Common texture to block the player

(sd2009) #1


I thought in the past that the clip texture blocks the player only, but I
found that it is blocking the ai also. I downloaded a complete
tutorial in the past that mentions wrong things about rtcw mapping.
It was unfortunately full of errors and wrong information.
Does anybody know which common texture blocks the player only?
Or is there a way to block the player without restricting the physical
movement of the ai?

Thanks for your help

(ronboy) #2

Sorry, I don’t think there’s a texture to only block the player…:frowning:

(Eugeny) #3

There is no such possibility. Why do you want?

(-SSF-Sage) #4

Why not? There are ways to workaround like usually. Mapping is full of workarounds, esp. RTCW when it is so limited (even compared to ET).

How about a clipbrush marked as a func_explosive, ticked noblockaas and with health 0. Should be the quickest way.

(sd2009) #5

I shall try it today and I shall tell you if it works.

I want to block the player but let the ai spawn behind a corner and appear if the player is not at that location in the moment they spawn. This spot should not be reachable for the player but the ai should spawn and start from that point without letting the player know that. I thought about a brush that spawns when the player reaches a certain position and it disappears when the ai reaches it but under one condition, which is when the player is not present at that spot. There should be a workaround for almost every issue with rtcw.

(ronboy) #6

[QUOTE=sd2009;268336]I shall try it today and I shall tell you if it works.

I want to block the player but let the ai spawn behind a corner and appear if the player is not at that location in the moment they spawn. This spot should not be reachable for the player but the ai should spawn and start from that point without letting the player know that. I thought about a brush that spawns when the player reaches a certain position and it disappears when the ai reaches it but under one condition, which is when the player is not present at that spot. There should be a workaround for almost every issue with rtcw.[/QUOTE]

I agree. There should be a workaround for the issues rtcw has. Good luck sd2009.

(sd2009) #7


I have very bad news for you. It did not work at all.
@Sage your method blocks everything. Like any clip or clipweapon brush.

Any other suggestions or ideas?


(Loffy) #8


This is one way of stopping players in W:ET

Brush (with trigger texture):

[li]classname: trigger_multiple[/li][li]target: t001[/li][/ul]

Entity (I am not sure it exists in RtCW):

[li]classname: target_push[/li][li]targetname: t001[/li][li]angle: 360 (you might have to adjust this; 0-360)[/li][/ul]


(ronboy) #9


This is one way of stopping players in W:ET

Brush (with trigger texture):

[li]classname: trigger_multiple
[/li][li]target: t001

Entity (I am not sure it exists in RtCW):

[li]classname: target_push
[/li][li]targetname: t001
[/li][li]angle: 360 (you might have to adjust this; 0-360)


I’m sure I saw the target_push entity for Rtcw in Gtk Radiant. So the above method might work.

(sd2009) #10

My laptop is out of order now. It might take a while before I can try it. I am sorry.

(ronboy) #11

Good luck sd2009. Remember to never give up. :stroggtapir:

(sd2009) #12

Thanks. I am patient.