colors in posts

(nUllSkillZ) #1


a quick question:
It seems that the tag [ color ] is not working?
Is it possible to add colors to posts?
Thanks in advance.

(badman) #2

That was disabled when I nearly lost my eyesight once. :smiley:

(shagileo) #3

Maybe the flashy colors could be removed?

(like pink or yellow … etc) ? :slight_smile:

(badman) #4

Most of them are pretty garish to be honest. Not sure if it’s possible to remove individual colors without diving into the source code - anyone know?

(UJERebel) #5

Maybe just add a color pallette with some basic colors… RGB and some more

then you can put your own colors in the pallette ? =)

(Nail) #6

no, no colours please

(light_sh4v0r) #7

Maybe allow colours in code tags only? For commenting.

(Nail) #8

or syntax highlight

a better idea than no colours at all

(UJERebel) #9

Maybe just something like this: little test

And syntax highlighting would be awesome yes, but i think quit hard =D

(light_sh4v0r) #10

That yellow is horrible to read :S

(UJERebel) #11

Yes i know =D

I just picked some basic colors to show what i ment…
I suggest we select 6 good readable basic colors :stuck_out_tongue:

(shagileo) #12

Well those red and blue look good, and maybe that green could be a bit darker

Perhaps yellow could be replaced by SD like orange

(UJERebel) #13

[QUOTE=shagileo;238025]Well those red and blue look good, and maybe that green could be a bit darker

Perhaps yellow could be replaced by SD like orange[/QUOTE]

Yes… good ideas :slight_smile:

I’m not gonna adjust it in my test file… SD will do it :wink: IF they like this idea :slight_smile:

(tokamak) #14

Also add the same rule as for caps. Post written in all colour shouldn’t appear in colour.

Really though, I like it as it is now.