Cmm or quick join

(Mc1412013) #1

As the title says

(Your worst knifemare.) #2

Server browser

(HadronZodiac) #3

They didnt need to remove it, just make it faster.

Rank wasn’t satisfying so im fine with it dying

(Mc1412013) #4

I cant seem to be put in any na servers im getting a lotnof eu servers

(Press E) #5

Quickjoin placing people in servers half way across the world has been confirmed to be a bug, so I’m going to ignore that.

I prefer quickjoin though. CMM’s balance wasn’t really different from quickjoin/server browser anyways, all it was was a long queue time without the ability to play with the same players next match. And “fixing” either of those issues would basically defeat the purpose of CMM. There really was no way to “fix” it without a massive increase in DB’s population. And besides, having DB’s population divided between CMM and server browser when it’s as small as it is doesn’t help anything.
The only thing I actually miss about CMM was its interface. The MVP screen, more detailed leaderboards, etc. Not sure why those can’t be applied to server browser servers.
Not to mention CMM seemed to load a match faster for some reason, but idk why.

Not sure why there’s such a fuss about the removal of CMM tbh. Yeah, it seems weird that we’re back to quickjoin again, but there’s really not much SD could do to fix it, and I’d rather see them just roll back on something instead of moving forward with the same mistake like SD has done in the past.
Not like it’s the end of the world, especially considering how many people flipped out when CMM was added in the first place.

(Mc1412013) #6

The only thing I actually miss about CMM was its interface. The MVP screen, more detailed leaderboards, etc. Not sure why those can’t be applied to server browser servers.

If i remember corectly shoe said on twitch stream yesterday it had something to do with people droping in and out during matches.

I would be happy though if when rentable servers are here it would be an option to turn on the mvp/stats. If im renting a server i would want that an option.

(Press E) #7

@Mc1412013 said:

The only thing I actually miss about CMM was its interface. The MVP screen, more detailed leaderboards, etc. Not sure why those can’t be applied to server browser servers.

If i remember corectly shoe said on twitch stream yesterday it had something to do with people droping in and out during matches.

I would be happy though if when rentable servers are here it would be an option to turn on the mvp/stats. If im renting a server i would want that an option.

idk, still seems weird. I mean, people dropped out of CMM pretty often too and it was no issue. Not like there’s a huge amount of leavers in other servers too. I’m no programmer, but it seems like something they should be able to make work.

(Jigstraw) #8

I prefer quickjoin, but I wish there were a couple tweaks. The problem with the server browser/quickjoin has ALWAYS been people who leave in the middle, or at the end of a match. The next match starts with a half-empty server that gets roughly balanced by the auto-shuffle in the lobby, but then more players join in while the match is in progress without being put through any kind of balance check, and often end up shifting the balance heavily in favor of one team or the other.

Matches shouldn’t start without a full lobby. But then we’d be back to the issue of CMM’s “long queue times.”

(Steve_Harvey) #9

I think it’s best to let the people decide how they want to play.

Got plenty of time? Start up a queue for Casual Matchmaking.

Not alot of time but wanna get some Dirty Bomb in? Hop into a game via QuickJoin (most of the time QJ will get you into an in-progress game)

The downside is less player population in both sides, but the upside is people of a similar rank could quickjoin and fill empty spots.

(Aerodrome) #10

quick join option for nubs.
they need to work more with options and search.
im 125lvl dont wanna play all the time with nubs :expressionless:
i can wait more time if it give me server more then 10-20+ lvl
so im using server browser now

search must be like this:
0-10 lvl + 10-40 lvl (exp players who teach them)
20 lvl + all others

quck join must Upper empty servers 20+ sometimes and
high lvl players who using Server Browser can join quickly

i know sometimes here not many players (morning)

but good sorting by lvl its main rule for better playing:
new players not killed easy and wanna get 20+ lvl
high lvl got skilled players and playing more

(Aerodrome) #11

Here can be also motivation events like:
if u become 20 lvl u get 5 rads + skin + cool skilled enemys
after this nubs understood game mechanic and stay for a long time … and maybe play ranked one day :o
Thats only 1 way, its true more then like it was before

(Teflon Love) #12

So far, QJ matches were about as unfun as CMM matches, so it doesn’t really matter to me.

If any, there’s a slight preference towards QJ because it actually is quick and you can see other people’s levels. That makes it easier to decide whether it’s worth to be polite and helpful towards a new player or just accept that fact that a lv 50+ proxymoron will never learn that C4 planted on the ramp is easier to defend than when hidden behind the control panels.

Neither QJ nor CMM account for the fact that every team should have one or two somewhat competent medics and possibly (depending on the map and mode) engineer. Neither QJ nor CMM allow me to indicate beforehand if I’m going to play seriously (e.g. by preferring a medic) or just for the LOLs (e.g. by intending to pick pistol-mostly Aimee). Depending on my choice, the match will turn out very different. So for the foreseeable future, any of SD’s attempts towards a casual match making (even in the simple QJ form) will keep failing as gloriously as they have for the past years.

(Sorotia) #13

Quick join is trash so far and every single time I’ve used it I’m put on a server half way across the world.

Frankly even if they both suck at least I was able to queue with my friends.

(Teflon Love) #14

@Sorotia said:
Frankly even if they both suck at least I was able to queue with my friends.

True but moot because all my friends stopped playing DB after the recent updates. :’(

(Sorotia) #15

@teflonlove said:

@Sorotia said:
Frankly even if they both suck at least I was able to queue with my friends.

True but moot because all my friends stopped playing DB after the recent updates. :’(

I’m trying to keep a few playing but it’s hard…but not as hard as keeping myself playing at times lol

(JShug07) #16

Quick join with a party mode will make alot of Difference

(Rodolfosaurio) #17

I always used browser and will keep doing so…

(kopyright) #18

@JShug07 said:
Quick join with a party mode will make alot of Difference

How about Party Quick Join but you could still be placed in different teams? At least you would be playing together on the same server then.

(bgyoshi) #19

Quick Join was useless before and it’ll be useless again

I don’t need something to join a server for me. I’d rather join a server myself.