Clan system down... Scheduled matches for today not working

(tangoliber) #1

(Just a heads up in case Splash Damage doesn’t realize this yet.)

(eMatiC) #2

Hello, the site is up !
I don’t know why SD / Beth don’t let say us when, why and how many time they’ll working on.

(badman) #3

This was an unscheduled outage of the back-end systems powering the clan features. Everything should be back up and running normally now - do let us know if you’re still having issues so we can pass them on.


(eMatiC) #4

Okey, thank you !

(BMXer) #5

Seems to be broken again…

(eMatiC) #6

Yeah, for few hours…

(Covan2306) #7

yup, dead again…maybe at this rate 1 match/win gets ya the holiday event ladder won

(badman) #8

Virtual poking stick, activate!

(badman) #9

Word is that some of the shared back-end systems are being strained by a rather substantial DDOS attack, which is affecting traffic to all platforms for Brink. Steps are being taken to get everything running normally again - we’ll let you know as soon as we hear more.

(LightningV) #10

Badman, I sent Bethesda Tech/ maintanance a message about our percentage not going up at all, after a clan battle our team NwO: New World Order had against ArK: Akestra had a week or two ago and they said if the percentage for the win didn’t pop up they could’nt do anything about it. Can this be fixed because I know a few other clans that had this happened to them as well.

(LightningV) #11

And last night we had a scheduled clan battle against GFK: Ghost Face Killaz, all of us went to the notifications area and while some of us were able to get in some of our other members either kept being placed in random rooms either empty that had 1 or 2 other members from the team in with them or they couldn’t even join the game at all no Notifications or anything. There honestly needs to be an invite feature that allows us to invite ONLY clan members because it’s getting even more difficult just to be able to play in the same room as them.