Changeable Maps // new map ideas

(tinker) #1

Hey there
I might not be the only one who played Battlefield … some might also took a look at the beta.

I just thought about a map with changeable objects.

maybe a bridge that drops after damaging a button.
a blockade that changes from 100% to 50% after 75dmg , to 25% after another 75 damage and completely destroyed after another 75% – thus making a new path or just a not covered spot.

some extras only availible to certain classes.
e.g. a house that crashes after taking a explosion. (explosions)
a hidden path when (wood) burns down for 2 turns (fire // molotov)
a special delivery when a well is filled with water (squirthurter)
a malfunctioning device that is turned on (mysteriously) after hit by electric impuls (port grenade near that or ivans grenade)
a malfunctioning device that might be turned on by any engi (using engi-ability)
a new way when a UAV lifts something up // can’t be used as long as it hangs//lifts there
a hidden button at the bottom that let’s something else explode (when mine planted here)
a damaged NPC that heals you when you heal him (up to 2 times ) for medics.
a tapir-cola automate that heals you after gathering coins from another spot ( walk to point A - loot “coins” … walk to tapir-cola and get one for the coin) up to 5 times(coins and cola ~10 cells apart)
ways only passable for “small” units - when heavy units enter, they lose 2x walk energy and 25hp and the way crashes (strategical use possible) (heavy actually stays on cell before walk)
a fixed turret - uses 3 energy, does 35damage on range 1-7 (!) - usable by soldiers.
a fixed mortar - uses 5 energy does 65 damage on range 10-11 (only 10 and 11, not closer, not further) - soldiers only
a lootable “spyglass” that allows you to watch from the soldiers POV (more fun than usable)
fixed gun-loots. for each class the possibility to get another gun on that map in exchange for the old // swapable back and forth// costs 3 energy at the fixed spot.
a commander-cell to call in extra (1time use) airstrikes/crates
a “happiness fountain” - throw in 1 coin (the currency coins or lootable like tapir-cola) to have a guaranteed headshot (1x per soldiers) costs 3 energy.
a gold box - 3energy for 100 coins after the game 1x only (once for each team, 3energy and a major detour of 1 soldiers)

“monster”(BIG) map with 40 points, a maximum of 10 soldiers.

what do you think?
other ideas?

(Armedmanus) #2

These idea’s are all great!
I like the idea of the map being able to change.

My favourite is cover that can get destroyed so the longer you play on that map, the harder it is to find cover.

(tinker) #3

[QUOTE=Armedmanus;480055]These idea’s are all great!
I like the idea of the map being able to change.

My favourite is cover that can get destroyed so the longer you play on that map, the harder it is to find cover.[/QUOTE]

I think different controls only availible for certain squad-member-types will result in a more variing squad on both sides. to get the best out of the map.

(Anonymous--Rex) #4

I like the idea of map interactions. Some of the specific suggestions I’m not necessarily for, but the overall idea would be fantastic! Of course, these types of things could have a very profound effect on the game, so the must be handled delicately. Also, their inclusion obscures balancing the units a bit, but I suppose so long as there are vanilla maps, it’ll be fine.