Can't Find Map maps/mapname.bsp

(morphdoc) #1

Hi all!

So after weeks of fighting against GtkRadiant and its too powerful bugs, the newest release has brought me some peace.

I have managed to compile the map (the issue I have been sorting out for weeks). But when I zipped the map, changed the name to .pk3 and trying to load the map, I get an error

‘Can’t Find Map maps/mapname.bsp’

There were no errors during compiling.

When I put mapname.bsp on its own in the etmain/maps, it works like a charm.

Whoever helps me with this issue will get 6-pack of the finest beer :stuck_out_tongue:


[QUOTE=morphdoc;486014]Hi all!

So after weeks of fighting against GtkRadiant and its too powerful bugs, the newest release has brought me some peace.

I have managed to compile the map (the issue I have been sorting out for weeks). But when I zipped the map, changed the name to .pk3 and trying to load the map, I get an error

‘Can’t Find Map maps/mapname.bsp’

There were no errors during compiling.

When I put mapname.bsp on its own in the etmain/maps, it works like a charm.

Whoever helps me with this issue will get 6-pack of the finest beer :P[/QUOTE]

Ive also that problem
This problem is common while making own pk3s whit zip tools i guess

Take an existing pk3, copy it, rename it to zip and then pack your stuff delete the other before, and rename it to pk3
A handy program for this is total commander but there are several other progs;)

Keep the beer haha, im 16 :slight_smile:

(morphdoc) #3

Worked like a charm!

But the problem that I am now having is this:

What the hell happened with the shadows? All I did was added roof access to Adlernest, and did full compile…??


Did you use a new texture?

(twt_thunder) #5

in your maps folder you have a folder with yourmapname on… add it in map folder in pk3 maybe

EDIT: and this program makes pk3:

(morphdoc) #6

ah, I think my hatred towards gtkradiant cannot grow any bigger…So the shading is fine now, but now blending does not work…I am hopeless…one thing starts working, then the other stops…omg :confused: any ideas why?


Sorry for my bad english, what is blending?

(morphdoc) #8

alpha values, I think it is called alpha blending. It means that it blends two different textures together. Alpha_000 means that 100% of one is seen, alpha_25 means 75% of one and 25% of another etc etc…

here is the photo. As you can see, the shadowing is perfect, but the bloody yellow things appeared


Aha blending yes of course now i know, lol

Hm thats the texture et shows when it cant find the texture, common while shaders is searching for unexisting pictures
Have you added thoose boxes?
If so use some of the original textures in et
The easiest way to make new textures is to edit an existing one and of course copy before and rename.

(morphdoc) #10

alpha blending don’t have textures, it is purely based on the shader script, at least on this map.

What is really funny is that the .map I got from the owner contains these textures: textures/dersaidin/alpha_000 or alpha_25 etc etc, but there was no shader for these…dersaidin has posted here before and this is what he had:

But this code is nowhere to be found in adlernest.pk3

I tried placing the code in the link, but it didn’t work…:frowning:


Lol i think dersaidin got some secrets…

Mayby he used a shader outside the pk3?, or is that possible?!

Try remove thoose, the boxes i mean…

(morphdoc) #12

No, the boxes are not only there, there are everywhere :wink:

The thing is, it actually worked for me when I did basic compile .bsp -meta, but it just does not work now!

The reason why I am annoyed is that I only added a roof access - I did not change anything else! I just compiled the map, ranemed everything to adlernest_roof and it just does not want to work!!

The thing is, I don’t think this is a problem with a compile, unless the compliation process changed the name of the textures lol.


Are theese boxes showing up in radiant?

Be sure to have all filters of…

Try another light compiling

But ive newer seen thoose in adlernest, ist some kind of clip/trigger

But which version of radiant do you use?

otherwise; I cant help you.

(morphdoc) #14

I use the newest release, 1.6.4

These boxes are blenders: alpha_000, alpha_001, alpha_025, alpha_050, alpha_075, alpha_100. They do appear as boxes in the gtkradiant and it says ‘shader picture missing’, but it is being recognised.

Just like I said before, when I compiled .BSP -meta it worked fine. But when I did the full compile, it first had screwed shadows and now these missing ‘blenders’

Here is the picture when I did it with .bsp -meta

(twt_thunder) #15

still missing some kind of shader I guess… probably have to do with the name adlernest_roof maybe you have to rename some shaders?

(morphdoc) #16

But why the blending works with basic compile, and not full??

(Mateos) #17

Have you checked the console when it happened? This is where usually things are explained in plain words.

(morphdoc) #18

I have, no errors there

(Mateos) #19

How are written the blending shaders?

(morphdoc) #20

In GTkRadiant it says: textures/dersaidin/alpha_000 or alpha_001 and so on.

Adlernest.pk3 has only dersiaidin.shader. It that shader script, nothing is being mentioned about the alpha_000 etc etc

I also check Adlernest_H&S (this is map derived from the source code, too). It also has dersaidin.shader HOWEVER, in this one you have alpha_000 and so on mentioned

Alpha fade textures basicly have 2 layers, the alpha is applied to the second.

dotProduct2 blending means that when you compile, the alpha at each vertex will be decided by the direction vertex normal in relation to your other parameters.

Another way to select the alpha of each vertex is using alphaMod volume shaders, heres teh ones I used in my map

// ================================================== ====================
// alpha fade shaders
// © 2004 randy reddig
// distribution, in part or in whole, in any medium, permitted
// ================================================== ====================
// These shaders are not fixed to this directory location, they can
// be moved around. They exist here for convenience only.
textures/dersaidin/alpha_000 // Primary texture ONLY
q3map_alphaMod volume
q3map_alphaMod set 0.00
surfaceparm nodraw
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm trans
qer_trans 0.70

textures/dersaidin/alpha_001 // Almost Primary texture ONLY
q3map_alphaMod volume
q3map_alphaMod set 0.01
surfaceparm nodraw
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm trans
qer_trans 0.70

q3map_alphaMod volume
q3map_alphaMod set 0.25
surfaceparm nodraw
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm trans
qer_trans 0.70

textures/dersaidin/alpha_050 // Perfect mix of both Primary + Secondary
q3map_alphaMod volume
q3map_alphaMod set 0.50
surfaceparm nodraw
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm trans
qer_trans 0.70

q3map_alphaMod volume
q3map_alphaMod set 0.75
surfaceparm nodraw
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm trans
qer_trans 0.70

q3map_alphaMod volume
q3map_alphaMod set 0.85
surfaceparm nodraw
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm trans
qer_trans 0.70

textures/dersaidin/alpha_100 // Secondary texture ONLY
q3map_alphaMod volume
q3map_alphaMod set 1.0
surfaceparm nodraw
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm trans
qer_trans 0.70

Any alphaFade vertexes which are inside a brush that has those shaders will get that brush’s alpha applied. I believe alphaMod volume overrides dotproduct2.

This is what dersaidin posted ages ago.

EDIT: so I made sure I removed all dersaidin.shader files from etmain (I put one there ages ago)