Can we have group matchmaking?

(Azord) #1

Me and my friends love playing dirty bomb together, but trying to find a server for all of us is a pain. You can’t join a server at the same time, so it might fill up while we’re all trying to join, if we quickjoin, it tends to send us to full servers, or max level 5 servers. When we finally do find a server, it has a habit of making us switch teams between rounds, and we can’t switch back or the teams are uneven. We use skype so we don’t disturb our teamates with our (hilarious) prattle, and we don’t want to quit and rejoin the call whenever one of us gets seperated. No one likes screen-looking.

Personally, I don’t mind if finding a server takes longer, or if it starts out low pop. matchmaking is pretty good at filling up a server when it needs to. but please let us join a pre game lobby, and not switch teams between games. I know there are parties for competitive matches, but not all of us are that level just yet, nor are we all competitive.

Rito pls :smile:

(S_Agarwalla) #2

Yes! I don’t play with other people that much, but I would love to have this added since Dirty Bomb is supposed to be a game heavily based on teamwork.

(FailJertsu) #3

Oh man, oh god, oh man… YES!

(Lissxy) #4

Yes this has been bothering me ever since I began to play this game. This is an absolute must, as it takes a long time before you both end up in the same server. I believe that it would be possible to have a feature like this because it’s already (sort of) in the game when you play competitive with your friends.

+111111111111111111111 from me.

(Subtle_Hustle) #5

We have an established gaming community and a few of our members are looking for something to replace an older game. I’ve been sending them to Dirty Bomb as fast as I can.
Their only complaint is there is no way for us all to jump into a server together and play as a group. Azord pretty much summed up everything we desire for group play.

(Draza) #6

I think @Ardez said that they are alredy working of that.

(Ardez1) #7

It was discussed in stream several weeks ago on being something that they were working on. No clue on when this might become a thing or if they are still working on it.