Can the daily reward animation be skippable

(Szakalot) #1

I am sick of this animation. I will gladly forfeit all awards if I am not forced to watch a ‘push a button’ animation ever again.

Let me

(henki000) #2


And while you are at it, create possibility to skip brief in beginning of every match too. You could turn it on/off in options, by default it’s on. It’s not because it’s bad, but too repeating. Variants would help a lot too. Not just voice/music, but different angle of view. I know it has been suggested before, but this is important for long term players.

(Press E) #3

Oh god yes please. DB crashes quite frequently for me, meaning I have to rejoin a server as quickly as possible unless I want to lose my spot to someone else. Having to sit through an animation for several seconds costs me that time, and in DB every second matters. With DB’s laggy af UI it’s not even that satisfying to watch either.
At least make the “claim now” button always active so we can easily dismiss it without having to watch the entire thing. Or better yet, just allow us to click off of it by clicking outside of the box.

I agree with @henki000 too. After a point I’d rather several seconds where we can just tbag at each other while everyone else watches the opening. Even if we can’t move around, at least we get to see our teammates more

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #4

Lol, I just imagine there being like a “Time Until Next Crash” Counter on your desk, and then you just sweating bullets when the daily reward animation starts up.

(Press E) #5

Just imagine someone maniacally rubbing their hands together in anticipation watching my server, them immediately joining that sweet 13/14 the moment I leave, while laughing like one of those oldschool supervillans and you basically have my DB experience

(ASD) #6


especialy if you see already the case in your inventorry and then this stupid clainbutton comes up…
why should i claim something if I already have it?


(ThePigVomit) #7


(ASD) #8


btw its the same for fragments… you have them already before you press the claim button…
just check the fragments counter at the top… its 86410 before and after claming 100fragments


(kopyright) #9

This ^. I wouldn’t mind the animation if it would play immediately after returning to the main menu from the lobby, but at the moment I am already in the process of opening the case when the reward screen eventually decides to pop up.