Can I ask, why Execution, and not Headquarters?

(Amerika) #21

I only really played HQ in Call of Duty 1. The definition or way it works might have evolved and changed over the years. But that’s how it worked in that game IIRC.

(DeadAlive) #22

I also seriously dislike Exe mode in its’ current form. I’m not even going to bother doing it for the credits anymore.

I loved that in Wolf ET, but I doubt we’ll see that here. Who knows, though, but it’s not really a good replacement for Exe.

I totally agree. The thing about Domination is, it’s super easy. It’s really the gravy objective mode.

Personally, I played COD4, and my favorite mode was Sabotage. It plays like a game of Tug of War, and I have always loved tug of war since I was a kid. I would love to see that mode again. I was thinking about reinstalling COD just to play that mode, if anyone is still playing it, but I’d rather play it in this game.

I played a lot of HQ, but didn’t really like it that much, and the way the HQ’s would spawn would many times give one team an advantage.

I agree with someone earlier regarding setting a 3 spawn limit per round in Exe. That works really well in War Thunder, where you get 3 tanks per round, and then you’re out.

I would play Domination and Sabotage, but I’d rather just play Obj. than HQ.

(CCP115) #23

[quote=“Watsyurdeal;109269”][quote=“CCP115;109268”]I am very confused with this Headquarters gamemode @Watsyurdeal

So what? If the enemy just kills your whole team what happens? Do they win?

Ok so how it works is this, imagine koth ok? You capture the point, and hold it. The difference is, let’s just say there’s a terminal, this terminal acts as the point. When you capture the terminal, you do not spawn again until the terminal is destroyed by the enemy team. Then it becomes a battle of who get to the terminal again and the cycle continues, your goal is to have as much time holding these terminals as possible.

So let’s call this game mode Extraction in Dirty Bomb, you’re hacking into the main frame and taking data from these terminals. Hence the name, and the idea behind the objectives.[/quote]

So would smooshing TF2’s Arena Respawn with KOTH give the same gamemode?

Seems really weird, and kind of dumb to me, but I’ve never played it, so I have no clue as to how well it works.

(KayDubz) #24

I dunno why but Execution is mega boring after a couple games. And I say that as a COD4 veteran who used to play in a Search and Destroy server daily…and during long plays Id go for 90 minutes straight S&D easily before switching to a different game type.

S&D style FPS was fun with Call of Duty, and even fun with that mediocre shooter Warface. Execution just doesnt feel like it fits Dirty Bomb.

Id much prefer Headquarters, KOTH/Domination, or even Sabotage.

(DeadAlive) #25

[quote=“Kay-Dubz;109915”]I dunno why but Execution is mega boring after a couple games. And I say that as a COD4 veteran who used to play in a Search and Destroy server daily…and during long plays Id go for 90 minutes straight S&D easily before switching to a different game type.

S&D style FPS was fun with Call of Duty, and even fun with that mediocre shooter Warface. Execution just doesnt feel like it fits Dirty Bomb.

Id much prefer Headquarters, KOTH/Domination, or even Sabotage.[/quote]

I hated S&D in COD. I found it just as boring as Exe, even worse, because the TTK in COD is like Zero. At least in DB you can duke it out a little, or take a few shots and retreat and regroup.

(advancedRing) #26

Why can’t execution just exist as a short gamemode to quickly kill each other in a small map but still have objectives? Yes, execution sucks as a beginner gamemode, but that doesn’t mean it should be entirely alienated. Why not just add a CTF or KoTH gamemode alongside execution?

(VincentRJaeger) #27

Domination and Koth would be almost perfect gamemodes for Dirty Bomb. Feels morefitting to the kind of gameplay DB is striving for.

Nope, can’t say more than that this time lol