Fragger’s nades need more range or a shorter cooldown and bushwhacker’s turrets need a massive buff
Buff Fragger and Bushwhacker
The turret either needs to be rotatable or designed to instantly shoot enemies, at possible 360 degrees.
@“Mr.Cuddlesworth” said:
Need a Bushwhacker card with Steady, Lock-on, and the KeK.
Need a fragger with Crotzni, Unshakeable, drilled and explodydendron
No and yes. I can get behind a bushwacker buff, fella could use one even if it is a small one to his turret (still 4 bushwackers is a sight to behold and almost as annoying to deal with as proxy spam).
A Fragger buff? I am seriously lost for words. A competent fragger will most likely destroy anyone, nevermind a great/godlike fragger. (spoiler alert, fragger would be broken AF with any kind of buff)
Fragger is kinda balanced, but the more important one is bushwhacker, he’s wack, maybe you can like make his turrets smaller so they’re harder to target, or make them 270 so u can only get them directly from behind [or shoot them down], AND IT NEEDS A RANGE BUFF PLS
@CheesyPwn said:
make his turrets smaller so they’re harder to target, or make them 270 so u can only get them directly from behind [or shoot them down], AND IT NEEDS A RANGE BUFF PLS
No, no and no. He needs a buff, not a small overhaul to make him better than the rest. IF you are having range problems with the turret, you are placing it wrong. The turret isn’t designed for straight up 1v1 with any merc. It is either a distraction, ambush or bait. IF you throw it just down it will go down fast