(VolumetricSteve) #1

the title about sums it up, I’m looking for BSPC for OS X, and it seems there just isn’t one. How do all of the OS X mappers out there generate AI profiles for their maps?

Is there some hidden function in q3map2 that performs the .aas function?


(obsidian) #2

I suppose you can try compiling it yourself. Bspc.exe source was released with the Quake 3 Arena source.

(Nail) #3

you might ask ailmanki, he’s been doing some work with netradiant and osx iirc

(VolumetricSteve) #4

[QUOTE=obsidian;209258]I suppose you can try compiling it yourself. Bspc.exe source was released with the Quake 3 Arena source.[/QUOTE]

that’s what I was afraid of, but am (slightly…kinda) prepared to do if I must.

and ailmanki, I’ll keep the name in mind, thanks.

(ailmanki) #5

I read that there is no bspc for osx, also someone tried to compile it, but he had a very lots of issues…

I would try for the aas, to use a bspc.exe and wine. Since its command line only, it should work fine.