@Nail said:
like I said, game already informs idiots wtf is going on, why more is needed is what’s wrong with a large part of the gaming world
I think this attitude is wrong. It’s easy to look back on the half remembered sunnier days of multiplayer gaming when players were dropped into the pool to sink or swim as showing you don’t need to idiot proof things. But that’s not the whole picture. Things like Dota succeeded despite their noob unfriendlyness because there wasn’t any more accessible competition.
Now there is. The market is loaded with good games that do their thoughtful best to make the first few hours as inviting and enjoyable as possible. And this stuff doesn’t compromise the game.
I’m not saying my OP idea is great, it’s probably not and could certainly be improved on. But the general problem of: how do we make the first few hours of DirtyBomb as appealing to as many people as possible without compromising the game veterans enjoy is an absolutely important one. And in a lot of cases the solutions will have to do with things like clarifying information that Vets think is obvious.
What people complain about as games being dumbed down in a lot of cases is just designers being more thoughtful about how they introduce their game to newbies. And that’s a very relevant problem for DB.
It’s also easy to wave off a games unpopularity with “my game is too sophisticated for the masses”. No, it’s not. It just doesn’t give a strong first impression to anyone who isn’t very focused on tight gunplay. Those are different things. DB is so strong from the gameplay PoV that FPS ‘connoisseurs’ can see past its rough introduction. To everyone else it comes off (for the first hour or so) as a generic FPS with an ultragrindy P2W price model. That is a tragically wasteful misunderstanding for all involved.