BRINK is the most played game ever

(.FROST.) #1

At least on my PC. Though that’s not entirely correct. It’s 1hr away from that. I coincidentally stopped playing AvP3 at exactly 350hrs. That was 4 months ago. Brink is now at 349. With Brink it took my only a third of the time it took me with AvP3. So this evening, after an extended frag-fest on the Ark, it’s probably time to light up some candles.:wink:

(Crytiqal) #2

I played over 2500 hours of et. Around the same for etqw. Brink has nothing on that :stuck_out_tongue:

(.FROST.) #3

2,5k??? In two seperate games??? Right now I don’t know if I should be impressed or scared. :eek::rolleyes::eek:

(zenstar) #4

Come now Crytiqal.
Let’s assume you sleep for 8 hours a day and spend another hour eating / washing / going to the toilet… that would mean Brink would need to be out for 166.66(recuring) days for you to rack up 2500 hours on it.
You’ll get there :tongue: (slash sarcasm)

(Ruben0s) #5

I played ET more then 3000 hours. To bad brink couldn’t lift up to my expectations because I only played it 3 hours :<

(wolfnemesis75) #6

[QUOTE=.FROST.;379764]At least on my PC. Though that’s not entirely correct. It’s 1hr away from that. I coincidentally stopped playing AvP3 at exactly 350hrs. That was 4 months ago. Brink is now at 349. With Brink it took my only a third of the time it took me with AvP3. So this evening, after an extended frag-fest on the Ark, it’s probably time to light up some candles.:wink:[/QUOTE]There’s no official number for me, since the stat site only tracks multiplayer and I spent a lot of time doing Challenges and Campaign. I am probably somewhere around 300 total hours playing Brink. It is now my second or third most played game ever and has only been out since May!

(sereNADE) #7

2000 hours Quake 1 Team Fortress (1997-2002)
2000 hours Enemey Territory - QUAKE wars (2007-NOW)
1000 Diablo 2 (heh)

(Indloon) #8

2200 hours.
Tbh 15000 hours of ET.Deal with it.

(.FROST.) #9

3000hrs. of playing hearts??? Suddenly I consider myself very normal. And I thought I’m some kind of gaming/I-net junkie. Puh, obviously, there’s still plenty of room to the top.

As an exchange to my gaming habits(1-3hrs. a day) I don’t watch TV. Literally non. Haven’t switched it on for months. The only one who watches is my daughter. Cause once you’ve discovered MP, TV becomes quite unexiting and passiv. Actually if it wasn’t for my little one I’d have allready thrown that thing in the can.

(H0RSE) #10

But nobody asked you…

(Breo) #11

6000 minutes at the Ark

(Crytiqal) #12

My bad, he probably made an entire thread for his single post and noone should respond on it

(Hot-Wire) #13

I have 2000 hours invested in MAG. Brink isn’t coming close for me.

(light_sh4v0r) #14

I got roughly 1500 in ETQW, over 1000 in LoL now.
Brink? errr 40?

(montheponies) #15

funnily enough i tried to work this out recently, kinda got the following;

RTCW - 4000hrs, worked out…
W:ET 200-300hrs, bit of a guess
ETQW - 100hrs at a guess (stat site is gone :confused: )
Battlefield 2 134hrs
Battlefield Bad Company 2 169hrs
Call of Duty 4 - 150hrs
Call of Duty World at War - 200hrs (steam says 90, but that can’t be right)
Call of Duty Black Ops - 100hrs
Team Fortress 2 - 160hrs
CS:S - 193hrs
Left4Dead 112hrs

over 10 yrs…a lot of wasted hours :slight_smile:

rtcw ftw :smiley:

edit: forgot brink lol, 120hrs and counting…though not sure for how much longer :confused:

(Sgt.Smegma) #16

Quake II not that much like the rest, at least the mp vs humans.
Quake III lot´s of time spend on this. (got that qIII symbol tattoed over my complete left forearm)
RTCW/ W:ET togehter I guess around 4500-5000 hours (trying to be honest with myself).
ET:QW quite exact 3200 hours all accounts combined.
Brink, sadly after 250 hours it became boring. I´m still trying to figure out if it depends on the game or my age, cause no other game atm that wakes my addiction ;).


(.Chris.) #17

Yeah I was thinking same, god knows how many hours I’ve put into ET and ET:QW back when I was younger but now I’m almost a quarter of a century old I only played brink just shy of 30hours in 3 months before uninstalling. Thinking about it though I have played 522 rounds of World of Tanks since starting last month so probably was Brink that didn’t do it for me.

(Humate) #18

Got about 50 aliases in etqw - so I would say well over 2000 hours… not including beta on sewer/valley or the demo on valley cough For Brink I’ve played 150 hours - so I legitimately gave the game a shot.

(Verticae) #19

3200 hours in ETQW. 60 in Brink.

(INF3RN0) #20

2500 hrs in ETQW
120 in Brink during first 2 weeks (before coming to the conclusion that competitive play was unintended)