Brink In Depth and Weapon Customization ideas

(Firebolt5499) #1


  First off, I plan on making an In Depth series on Brink inspired by Drift0r's MW3 In Depth if you have ever seen it. The main two sources i'm pulling my information from would be Den Kirsons weapon forums. The other one is, however I'm only using it for DPS and some draw times. 

One of the reasons i’m posting this idea is just to let you all know in case you guys might like the idea of the statistics on Brink weapons. We may also be doing other stuff like AI behavior and body types and stuff.

The second reason is with the weapons i’m going to have a section showing how to set up the gun (for instance, a Rokstedi with C U Gone red dot, rapid fire and a speed sling) and while I WILL be playing around with the attachments, but since you guys have much more experience than me, I was hoping maybe some weapon attachment feedback could come from you guys.

Basically what i’m saying is that if you are very familiar with like the barnett or the kross or whatever, then if you have at least a good attachment setup then please post it below so I can test it out and it might qualify for In Depth. Also if you have any specific classes, body types and abilities that are key for the strategy of the gun loadout, then please post so as well.


P.S. No Noobtubes please!