Brink discount/free weekend/DLC

(Badmojo) #1

I haven’t been on since Qcon, but did last weekend revitalize BRINK and the chance of organized scrims/comp?

I’ve actually been playing ETQW. :oppressor:

(Cynix) #2

There are more pubs as a result of the free weekend and DLC, but comp for this game is over.

(`Ghost`) #3

with attitudes like this it is.

(sanDIOkan) #4

since when we had comp? this game was thought and made for consoles and publics only
result of free wek end and free dlc? after 1 week we are falling at the same number of players we had before.

I left this game. I’ll come back when they give sdk
but i dont think sd will bother: bf3 and mw3 are behind the corner.

(DonkeyDong) #5

Yes, ! All we gotta do is change our attitude and the game will transform into a real game!


No… doesn’t appear to work.

(Unfurl3dRelic) #6

[QUOTE=sanDIOkan;370647]since when we had comp? this game was thought and made for consoles and publics only
result of free wek end and free dlc? after 1 week we are falling at the same number of players we had before.

I left this game. I’ll come back when they give sdk
but i dont think sd will bother: bf3 and mw3 are behind the corner.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the game was built for PC. In fact, YOU had it better than the console players. One of the lead designers for Brink even stated that it was a better launch on PC, and with your attitude, we won’t get more players.

(knippon) #7

Your Donkey-ass attitude ruined the spread in this game. Maybe if you were more positive, the spawntimes would’ve changed earlier as well. You killed this game DD. :eek:

( #8

You won’t get any more players, not now anyway the game wasn’t finished and still isn’t.
Only hope is that they release SDK but that will not be until all the DLC they have planned for brink is released.
Bottom line, brink could have had huge player base but it poor release and so was the game.

(INF3RN0) #9

Brink is an incredibly boring competitive fps to play/watch (yay 3rd person). I would rather play ETQW… or even CoD.

(Apocalypse_Pony) #10

Hey hey hey, let’s not get carried away here.

(Cynix) #11

with attitudes like this it is

Anyone who believes that the attitude of the competitive players is the reason that competition is dead for this game has never either never seriously played competition in Brink or never seriously played competition in any other game.

The features that a game needs in order to be competitively viable are not a mystery. Splash Damage knows this and demonstrated it in their previous title, but Brink doesn’t have those features. As far as competition goes, Brink is a massive step backwards from ETQW. These features are quite different from what pub players want, and game developers publishers prioritize pub players over comp players because there are a lot more pub players. That’s just the way it is, and as a result, most games, including Brink, are not suitable for serious competition.

Competition players bitched so much about Brink because there was a great expectation that the game would be good for competition. If Splash Damage had been releasing COD15 instead of Brink no one would care that the game was **** for comp because they wouldn’t have expected a decent game.

(sanDIOkan) #12

[QUOTE=Cynix;371067]Anyone who believes that the attitude of the competitive players is the reason that competition is dead for this game has never either never seriously played competition in Brink or never seriously played competition in any other game.

The features that a game needs in order to be competitively viable are not a mystery. Splash Damage knows this and demonstrated it in their previous title, but Brink doesn’t have those features. As far as competition goes, Brink is a massive step backwards from ETQW. These features are quite different from what pub players want, and game developers publishers prioritize pub players over comp players because there are a lot more pub players. That’s just the way it is, and as a result, most games, including Brink, are not suitable for serious competition.

Competition players bitched so much about Brink because there was a great expectation that the game would be good for competition. If Splash Damage had been releasing COD15 instead of Brink no one would care that the game was **** for comp because they wouldn’t have expected a decent game.[/QUOTE]

agree with most
but dont worry, people will remember on next title :slight_smile:

(Verticae) #13

TCM vs Anexis Powercup finals the other day was pretty awesome to watch tbh.

(montheponies) #14

Not convinced that’s entirely true - most of the main features for competitive play were added by ‘pro’ mods. Agree they ‘should’ know, but they’ve always been focused on public play.

(Cynix) #15

Yes, I agree that they have always been focused more on public play.

However, ETQW had an SDK, the feature a game requires in order to be competitively viable when its developers fail to make it so from the beginning.

ETQW was also fundamentally broken in fewer ways; it had a working demo system, a working first person spectating system, relatively balanced maps and guns that didn’t suck.

Plus Splash Damage eventually released their own Comp Mod with most of the features of ETQWPro. They also released the TV servers feature, which were an epically awesome feature for spectators.