Brink crashes when i start a game

(iv2b) #1

Ok,so,just some days ago i was playing Brink with all settings set at max,but now when i start a game it crashes.
it loads,asks me to press any button,and when i press it closes.
all drivers are updated,and it crashes in full screen and in windowed mode. :frowning:
the only thing that i could ever done is that Steam has asked me if i wanted to update driversā€¦and from the it stopped working.
but iā€™ve reinstalled ALL drivers using DriverTuner,so itā€™s really strange,any ideas?
the OS is windows XP service pack 2, 64 bit.

log file:

log file 'CrashDuringGP_2012.02.06_08.18.33.log' opened on 2012-2-6, 08:18:33
si_version: Brink 1.0.23692.48133  win-x86 Nov 23 2011 12:55:20
Unknown command 'path'
Loaded pak000.sdpk2
Loaded pak001.sdpk2
Loaded pak002.sdpk2
Loaded pak003.sdpk2
Loaded pak004.sdpk2
Loaded pak005.sdpk2
Loaded pak006.sdpk2
Loaded pak007.sdpk2
Loaded pak008.sdpk2
Loaded zzzdlc000.sdpk2
Loaded zzzdlcitalian000.sdpk2
Loaded zzzitalian000.sdpk2
Loaded zzzitalian001.sdpk2
Loaded zzzitalian002.sdpk2
Loaded zzzitalian003.sdpk2
Loaded zzzitalian004.sdpk2
Loaded zzzitalian005.sdpk2
Loaded zzzitalian006.sdpk2
Loaded zzzitalian007.sdpk2
Loaded zzzitalian008.sdpk2
Current search path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\75993869\22350\local/base
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Splash Damage\Brink/base
c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\brink/base
file system initialized.
Loaded 3853 manifest elements in 85 ms - 193Kb
Discarded 0 manifest elements
Max filename length: 0 characters
Brink 1.0.23692.48133  win-x86 Nov 23 2011 12:55:20
execing 'brinkconfig.cfg'
r_multiSamples is read only.
couldn't exec 'autoexec.cfg'
Vendor: 1002 Device: 6739
3300 MHz Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & HTT
4 logical cores
4 physical cores
HT disabled in hardware
8112 MB System Memory
1024 MB Video Memory
Initializing performance queries
Winsock Initialized
Found interface: {447DD712-CB01-4166-A60B-C3C5F591158B} Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller - Packet Scheduler Miniport -
Sys_InitNetworking: adding loopback interface
--- Loading sequence: init ---
sound index file 'generated/preload/sound/pc/italian/init.soundpreload' is zero length
------- Initializing render context --------
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...calling LoadLibrary( 'wtsapi32.dll' ): succeeded
...initializing Windows Terminal Server API
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
...initializing QGL
...using WGL_ARB_create_context_profile
...using WGL_ARB_multisample
...using WGL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB
----- R_InitOpenGL -----
GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc.
GL_RENDERER: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series
GL_VERSION: 4.2.11399 Compatibility Profile Context
Vendor: 1002 Device: 6739
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
...using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
...using GL_ARB_texture_compression
...using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
   maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000
...using GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias
...using GL_EXT_texture3D
...using GL_EXT_texture_rectangle
...using GL_ARB_texture_rectangle
...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...using GL_ARB_vertex_program
...using GL_ARB_fragment_program
X..GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test not found
...using GL_ARB_point_sprite
...using GL_ARB_occlusion_query
...using GL_ARB_framebuffer_object
...using GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil
...using GL_EXT_blend_minmax
...using GL_ARB_multisample
...using GL_ARB_shader_objects
...using GL_ARB_vertex_shader
...using GL_ARB_fragment_shader
...using GL_ARB_shadow
...using GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters
...using GL_ARB_draw_buffers
X..GL_GREMEDY_string_marker not found
...using GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc
...using GL_EXT_texture_sRGB
...using GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
...using GL_NV_float_buffer
...using GL_ARB_texture_rg
...using GL_ARB_half_float_vertex
...using GL_ARB_sampler_objects
X..GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory not found
X..GL_NV_shader_buffer_load not found
...using GL_ARB_sync
...using GL_ARB_timer_query
X..GL_ARB_tesselation_shader not found
X..GL_ARB_debug_output not found
----- Initializing Sound System Stage 1 ------
...initializing XAudio2
1 Sound Playback Devices Found:
...Realtek HD Audio output
1 Sound Capture Devices Found:
...Realtek HD Audio output
----- Sound System Stage 1 Initialized  -----
Brink using MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 for SIMD processing
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
----- Initializing Decls -----
Build is packaged - decl_useBinaryCache is read-only
Loaded generated/decl2/dlc1/system_dep.declb 112 entries in 52 ms
Loaded generated/decl2/base/system_dep.declb 2036 entries in 61 ms
dlc1/table: binary database of 32 entries (7.30Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/table: binary database of 66 entries (13.43Kb) loaded in 22 ms
dlc1/material: binary database of 781 entries (198.05Kb) loaded in 15 ms
base/material: binary database of 3526 entries (780.78Kb) loaded in 34 ms
dlc1/skin: binary database of 2 entries (2.18Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/skin: binary database of 193 entries (15.94Kb) loaded in 10 ms
base/soundclass: binary database of 42 entries (5.34Kb) loaded in 0 ms
dlc1/sound: binary database of 119 entries (43.93Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/sound: binary database of 1962 entries (453.13Kb) loaded in 88 ms
dlc1/soundfx: binary database of 3 entries (2.19Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/soundfx: binary database of 22 entries (8.26Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/soundmixer: binary database of 49 entries (9.37Kb) loaded in 0 ms
dlc1/reverb: binary database of 6 entries (3.20Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/reverb: binary database of 33 entries (6.30Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/movie: binary database of 16 entries (3.24Kb) loaded in 0 ms
dlc1/particleSystem: binary database of 37 entries (44.32Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/particleSystem: binary database of 287 entries (373.80Kb) loaded in 3 ms
base/articulatedFigure: binary database of 1 entries (3.18Kb) loaded in 11 ms
dlc1/atmosphere: binary database of 6 entries (25.20Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/atmosphere: binary database of 30 entries (33.30Kb) loaded in 0 ms
dlc1/ambientCubeMap: binary database of 15 entries (31.37Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/ambientCubeMap: binary database of 41 entries (49.50Kb) loaded in 1 ms
base/decal: binary database of 9 entries (3.21Kb) loaded in 0 ms
dlc1/surfaceType: binary database of 3 entries (2.19Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/surfaceType: binary database of 16 entries (2.24Kb) loaded in 0 ms
dlc1/renderProgram: binary database of 4 entries (31.52Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/renderProgram: binary database of 192 entries (367.97Kb) loaded in 14 ms
base/renderBinding: binary database of 272 entries (19.74Kb) loaded in 12 ms
dlc1/locString: binary database of 188 entries (17.91Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/locString: binary database of 4199 entries (349.58Kb) loaded in 11 ms
dlc1/model: binary database of 45 entries (45.23Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/model: binary database of 248 entries (736.29Kb) loaded in 52 ms
dlc1/postProcess: binary database of 10 entries (5.21Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/postProcess: binary database of 61 entries (18.41Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/animManager: binary database of 2 entries (5.18Kb) loaded in 0 ms
decl folders scanned and loaded in 3 ms
------- Initializing renderSystem --------
Precaching renderBinding...
Precached renderBinding in 0 ms
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - idDeclMaterial: screenrestore
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - idDeclMaterial: screenrestorefraction
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - idDeclMaterial: ppscreenrestore
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - idDeclMaterial: ppscreenrestorefraction
renderSystem initialized.
81 strings read from localization/italian/strings/maps/aquarium.lang
143 strings read from localization/italian/strings/maps/ccity.lang
96 strings read from localization/italian/strings/maps/challenges.lang
70 strings read from localization/italian/strings/maps/common.lang
121 strings read from localization/italian/strings/maps/founders.lang
119 strings read from localization/italian/strings/maps/lab.lang
76 strings read from localization/italian/strings/maps/reactor.lang
101 strings read from localization/italian/strings/maps/refuel.lang
122 strings read from localization/italian/strings/maps/resort.lang
87 strings read from localization/italian/strings/maps/sectow.lang
104 strings read from localization/italian/strings/maps/shipyard.lang
53 strings read from localization/italian/strings/maps/terminal.lang
194 strings read from localization/italian/strings/abilities.lang
38 strings read from localization/italian/strings/admin.lang
184 strings read from localization/italian/strings/attachments.lang
299 strings read from localization/italian/strings/campaign.lang
263 strings read from localization/italian/strings/ccf.lang
599 strings read from localization/italian/strings/code.lang
31 strings read from localization/italian/strings/dlc1.lang
587 strings read from localization/italian/strings/game.lang
122 strings read from localization/italian/strings/guis.lang
154 strings read from localization/italian/strings/loadtips.lang
732 strings read from localization/italian/strings/menus.lang
193 strings read from localization/italian/strings/tasks.lang
139 strings read from localization/italian/strings/tipsarchive.lang
59 strings read from localization/italian/strings/weapons.lang
Couldn't open journal files
----- Initializing Sound System Stage 2 ------
Precaching soundfx...
Precached soundfx in 0 ms
Precaching reverb...
Precached reverb in 0 ms
Precaching soundclass...
Precached soundclass in 0 ms
Precaching soundmixer...
Precached soundmixer in 0 ms
----- Sound System Stage 2 Initialized  ----
execing 'localization/italian/defaultbinds.cfg'

------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput8...
...calling LoadLibrary( 'user32.dll' ): succeeded
...initializing Raw Input
mouse: Raw Input initialized.
...calling LoadLibrary( 'imm32.dll' ): succeeded
...initializing Input Method Editor
game using MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 for SIMD processing
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
base/ammoDef: binary database of 36 entries (5.32Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/invItemDef: binary database of 72 entries (101.24Kb) loaded in 17 ms
base/itemPackageDef: binary database of 70 entries (9.99Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/stringMap: binary database of 280 entries (320.42Kb) loaded in 30 ms
base/damageDef: binary database of 78 entries (16.06Kb) loaded in 32 ms
base/damageFilter: binary database of 64 entries (29.43Kb) loaded in 0 ms
dlc1/campaignDef: binary database of 2 entries (2.18Kb) loaded in 12 ms
base/campaignDef: binary database of 4 entries (3.19Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/quickChatDef: binary database of 198 entries (41.50Kb) loaded in 0 ms
dlc1/mapInfoDef: binary database of 2 entries (2.20Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/mapInfoDef: binary database of 29 entries (13.52Kb) loaded in 18 ms
base/toolTip: binary database of 377 entries (50.30Kb) loaded in 2 ms
base/targetInfo: binary database of 7 entries (2.20Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/proficiencyItem: binary database of 192 entries (23.93Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/rankDef: binary database of 25 entries (4.47Kb) loaded in 15 ms
base/gui: binary database of 21 entries (75.44Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/teamInfo: binary database of 2 entries (3.18Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/task: binary database of 68 entries (20.96Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/requirement: binary database of 48 entries (6.36Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/guiTheme: binary database of 1 entries (2.18Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/animStateMachine: binary database of 8 entries (2.30Kb) loaded in 0 ms
dlc1/camera: binary database of 10 entries (2.29Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/camera: binary database of 59 entries (7.98Kb) loaded in 0 ms
dlc1/entityDef: binary database of 56 entries (118.45Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/entityDef: binary database of 509 entries (589.13Kb) loaded in 4 ms
base/selectableItem: binary database of 93 entries (12.52Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/bodyType: binary database of 3 entries (5.21Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/playerClass: binary database of 4 entries (3.19Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/botBehavior: binary database of 7 entries (5.24Kb) loaded in 0 ms
dlc1/effectTimeline: binary database of 37 entries (7.32Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/effectTimeline: binary database of 321 entries (70.93Kb) loaded in 1 ms
base/botObjective: binary database of 80 entries (25.11Kb) loaded in 1 ms
base/botPersonality: binary database of 5 entries (3.23Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/botDifficulty: binary database of 1 entries (3.18Kb) loaded in 0 ms
base/unlock: binary database of 167 entries (21.13Kb) loaded in 0 ms
game decl folders scanned and loaded in 2 ms
Initializing event system
...668 event definitions
Initializing class hierarchy
...132 classes, 73480 bytes for event callbacks
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - sdTexture: _msaaaltimage
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - sdTexture: _viewcolor
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - sdTexture: _screenlighting
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - sdTexture: _speculartable
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - sdTexture: _screendepth
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - sdTexture: _borderclamp
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - sdTexture: _screenmip2_1
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - sdTexture: _diffusionmask
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - sdTexture: _msaaimage
--- Completed loading sequence in 5.73s ---
FinishResourceLoads in 58 ms
--- Loading sequence: gameinit ---
loading sound index 'generated/preload/sound/pc/italian/gameinit.soundpreload' with 4227 entries
Loaded sound index in 44 ms
Allocating 251696 bytes for spawning entities.
Server size: 468
Client size: 7248
Session size: 66904
--------- Initializing Game ----------
gamename: baseBrink-1
gamedate: Nov 23 2011
Initializing global UI namespaces
...10 namespaces
...46 properties
Precaching teamInfo...
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - idDeclSoundShader: sounds/music/disguise_blown
Parsed source gui 'democharge' in 1 ms
Precached teamInfo in 146 ms
Precaching playerClass...
Precached playerClass in 0 ms
Precaching bodyType...
Parsed source gui 'weapons/scope_01' in 1 ms
Precached bodyType in 333 ms
Precaching quickChatDef...
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_02b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_02c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_02d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_03b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_03c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_03d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_04b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_04c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_04d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_05b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_05b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_05b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_05c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_05c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_05c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_05d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_05d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_05d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_06b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_06b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_06b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_06c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_06c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_06c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_06d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_06d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_06d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_07b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_07b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_07b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_07c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_07c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_07c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_07d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_07d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_07d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_08b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_08b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_08b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_08c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_08c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_08c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_08d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_08d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_1st_time_map_08d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_02b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_02c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_02d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_03b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_03c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_03d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_04b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_04c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_04d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_05b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_05b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_05b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_05c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_05c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_05c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_05d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_05d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_05d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_06b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_06b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_06b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_06c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_06c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_06c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_06d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_06d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_headshot_06d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_02b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_02c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_02d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_op_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_02b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_02c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_02d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_03b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_03c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_03d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_04b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_04c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_04d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_05b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_05b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_05b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_05c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_05c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_05c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_05d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_05d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_new_outfit_05d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_02b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_02c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_02d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_03b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_03c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_03d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_cover_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_02b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_02c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_02d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_03b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_03c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_03d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_04b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_04c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_04d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_05b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_05b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_05b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_05c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_05c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_05c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_05d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_05d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_05d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_06b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_06b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_06b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_06c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_06c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_06c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_06d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_06d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_lght_body_06d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_smg_distance_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_smg_distance_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_smg_distance_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_smg_distance_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_smg_distance_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_smg_distance_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_smg_distance_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_smg_distance_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_smg_distance_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_win_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_win_54321_001.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_win_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_win_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_win_54321_002.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_win_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_win_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_win_54321_003.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_win_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_win_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_win_54321_004.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_win_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_win_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_win_54321_001.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_win_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_win_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_win_54321_002.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_win_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_win_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_win_54321_003.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_win_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_win_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_win_54321_004.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_win_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_end_win_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_end_win_54321_001.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_end_win_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_end_win_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_end_win_54321_002.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_end_win_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_001.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_002.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_003.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_004.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_005.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_mission_start_54321_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_001.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_002.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_003.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_004.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_005.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_mission_start_54321_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_001.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_002.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_003.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_004.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_005.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_mission_start_54321_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_lose_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_lose_54321_001.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_lose_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_lose_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_lose_54321_002.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_lose_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_lose_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_lose_54321_003.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_lose_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_lose_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_lose_54321_004.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_end_lose_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_lose_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_lose_54321_001.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_lose_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_lose_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_lose_54321_002.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_lose_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_lose_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_lose_54321_003.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_lose_54321_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_lose_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_lose_54321_004.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_all_end_lose_54321_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_end_lose_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_end_lose_54321_001.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_end_lose_54321_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_end_lose_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_end_lose_54321_002.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/mccluskey/mcl_all_end_lose_54321_002 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_003b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_003b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_003b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_003c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_003c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_003c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_003d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_003d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_003d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_005b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_005b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_005b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_005c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_005c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_005c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_005d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_005d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_005d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_006b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_006b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_006b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_006c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_006c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_006c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_006d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_006d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_006d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_007b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_007b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_007b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_007c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_007c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_007c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_007d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_007d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_007d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_009b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_009b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_009b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_009c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_009c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_009c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_009d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_009d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_009d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_010b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_010b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_010b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_010c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_010c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_010c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_010d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_010d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_010d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_011b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_011b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_011b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_011c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_011c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_011c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_011d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_011d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_011d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_023b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_023b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_023b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_023c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_023c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_023c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_023d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_023d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_023d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_sol_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_sol_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_sol_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_sg_distance_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_sg_distance_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_sg_distance_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_sg_distance_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_sg_distance_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_sg_distance_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_sg_distance_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_sg_distance_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_sg_distance_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_020b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_020b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_020b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_020c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_020c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_020c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_020d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_020d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_020d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_021b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_021b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_021b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_021c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_021c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_021c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_021d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_021d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_021d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_022b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_022b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_022b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_022c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_022c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_022c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_022d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_022d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_022d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_025_1 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_025_1.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_025_1 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_025_1b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_025_1b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_025_1b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_025_1c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_025_1c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_025_1c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_025_1d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_025_1d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_025_1d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_026b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_026b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_026b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_026c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_026c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_026c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_026d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_026d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_026d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_03b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_03c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_03d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_04b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_04c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_04d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_kills_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_snpr_close_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_snpr_close_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_snpr_close_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_snpr_close_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_snpr_close_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_snpr_close_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_snpr_close_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_snpr_close_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_snpr_close_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_02b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_02c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_02d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_03b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_03c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_03d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_turret_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_pistol_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_pistol_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_pistol_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_pistol_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_pistol_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_pistol_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_pistol_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_pistol_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_pistol_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_001b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_001b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_001b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_001c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_001c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_001c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_001d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_001d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_001d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_002b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_002b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_002b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_002c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_002c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_002c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_002d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_002d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_002d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_016b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_016b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_016b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_016c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_016c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_016c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_016d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_016d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_016d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_017b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_017b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_017b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_017c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_017c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_017c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_017d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_017d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_017d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_018b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_018b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_018b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_018c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_018c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_018c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_018d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_018d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_018d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_019b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_019b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_019b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_019c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_019c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_019c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_019d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_019d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_019d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_012c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_012c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_012c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_012d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_012d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_012d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_013b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_013b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_013b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_013c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_013c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_013c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_013d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_013d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_013d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_014b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_014b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_014b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_014c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_014c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_014c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_014d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_014d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_014d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_015b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_015b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_015b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_015c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_015c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_015c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_015d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_015d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_015d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_02b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_02c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_02d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_03b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_03c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_03d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_04b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_04c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_04d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hit_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/voicepack_8/autochatter/operative/en_ply_voice1_op_006 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/voicepack_8/autochatter/operative/en_ply_voice1_op_006.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/voicepack_8/autochatter/operative/en_ply_voice1_op_006 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_02b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_02c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_02d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_03b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_03c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_03d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_04b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_04c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_04d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_spays_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_med_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_med_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_med_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_med_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_med_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_med_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_med_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_med_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_goes_med_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_02b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_02c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_02d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_03b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_03c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_03d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_04b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_04c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_04d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_05b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_05b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_05b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_05c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_05c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_05c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_05d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_05d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_05d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_06b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_06b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_06b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_06c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_06c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_06c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_06d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_06d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_hvy_body_06d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_01b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_01b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_01c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_01c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_01d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_01d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_02b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_02b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_02c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_02c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_02d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_02d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_03b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_03b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_03c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_03c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_03d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_03d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_04b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_04b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_04c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_04c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_04d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_04d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_05b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_05b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_05b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_05c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_05c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_05c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_05d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_05d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_cntxl_nasty_pelgo_05d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_004b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_004b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_004b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_004c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_004c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_004c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_004d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_004d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_004d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_005b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_005b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_005b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_005c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_005c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_005c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_005d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_005d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_005d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_006b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_006b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_006b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_006c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_006c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_006c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_006d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_006d.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/contextual/gen_all_srry_006d is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
Precached quickChatDef in 577 ms
Precaching selectableItem...
Precached selectableItem in 240 ms
Precaching rankDef...
Precached rankDef in 2 ms
Precaching unlock...
Precached unlock in 13 ms
Precaching proficiencyItem...
Precached proficiencyItem in 2 ms
Precaching botObjective...
Precached botObjective in 5 ms
Precaching botPersonality...
Precached botPersonality in 0 ms
Precaching botDifficulty...
Precached botDifficulty in 0 ms
Precaching invItemDef...
Precached invItemDef in 1 ms
Precaching campaignDef...
Precached campaignDef in 0 ms
Precaching ammoDef...
Precached ammoDef in 0 ms
Precaching toolTip...
Precached toolTip in 12 ms
Precaching movie...
Precached movie in 195 ms
Precaching locString...
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj1/elevator/construct: Failed to find language string '#str_11305102'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_security/objectives/mp/shipyard: Failed to find language string '#str_12071405'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_security/objectives/mp/reactor: Failed to find language string '#str_12071503'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 1: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj1/cp/damage/captured_resistance: Failed to find language string '#str_11305052'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/challenges.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/challenges/low_base_score: Failed to find language string '#str_11800054'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj2a_unhack: Failed to find language string '#str_11305110'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_security/objectives/mp/refuel: Failed to find language string '#str_12071305'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_security/objectives/mp/sectow: Failed to find language string '#str_12070904'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 3: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj1/elevator/construct_desc: Failed to find language string '#str_11305122'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_security/objectives/mp/resort: Failed to find language string '#str_12071204'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/common.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/generic/obj_core_planted: Failed to find language string '#str_11101055'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_resistance/objectives/mp/refuel: Failed to find language string '#str_12070504'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj2_defend: Failed to find language string '#str_11305105'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/presence.locstr, line 0: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: presence/phrase/23: Failed to find language string '#str_11390000'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/presence.locstr, line 0: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: presence/phrase/24: Failed to find language string '#str_11390001'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/common.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/generic/obj_core_constructing: Failed to find language string '#str_11101052'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 3: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_resistance/objectives/mp/aquarium: Failed to find language string '#str_12070002'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 8: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj2/constructing: Failed to find language string '#str_11305010'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/common.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/generic/obj_core_hacking: Failed to find language string '#str_11101054'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/tasks.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/mg/repair_desc: Failed to find language string '#str_10300185'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj2a_hack_desc: Failed to find language string '#str_11305130'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 5: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj2a/hacking: Failed to find language string '#str_11305006'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 3: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj1_defend_desc: Failed to find language string '#str_11305120'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_resistance/objectives/mp/resort: Failed to find language string '#str_12070405'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 1: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj1/elevator/constructed: Failed to find language string '#str_11305005'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_resistance/objectives/mp/shipyard: Failed to find language string '#str_12070605'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_security/objectives/mp/terminal: Failed to find language string '#str_12071003'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj2/constructed: Failed to find language string '#str_11305011'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj2a_unhack_desc: Failed to find language string '#str_11305131'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_resistance/objectives/mp/terminal: Failed to find language string '#str_12070202'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/common.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/generic/mg_constructing: Failed to find language string '#str_11101055'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 1: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj2a/hacked: Failed to find language string '#str_11305007'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 4: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_security/objectives/mp/aquarium: Failed to find language string '#str_12070803'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 5: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj1/mg/constructing: Failed to find language string '#str_11305060'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 1: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj1/cp/damage/capturing_security: Failed to find language string '#str_11305051'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 3: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj2_build_desc: Failed to find language string '#str_11305124'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj1/elevator/constructing: Failed to find language string '#str_11305004'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 1: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj1/mg/constructed: Failed to find language string '#str_11305061'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_resistance/objectives/mp/ccity: Failed to find language string '#str_12070303'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/common.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/generic/obj_core_hack_planted: Failed to find language string '#str_11101056'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/common.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/generic/mg_constructed: Failed to find language string '#str_11101056'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 1: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj1/cp/damage/captured_security: Failed to find language string '#str_11305053'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj1_hack_desc: Failed to find language string '#str_11305121'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_resistance/objectives/mp/reactor: Failed to find language string '#str_12070703'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/lab.locstr, line 1: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/lab/juice/dropped/empty: Failed to find language string '#str_14200231'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj1_hack: Failed to find language string '#str_11305101'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj1/hack_succesful: Failed to find language string '#str_11305112'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 1: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj1/hacked: Failed to find language string '#str_11305001'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/common.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/generic/obj_core_capturing_spawn: Failed to find language string '#str_11101053'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_resistance/objectives/mp/sectow: Failed to find language string '#str_12070104'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 13: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj1/hacking: Failed to find language string '#str_11305000'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 7: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj1_defend: Failed to find language string '#str_11305100'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 5: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: maps/recycling/mp/obj1/cp/damage/capturing_resistance: Failed to find language string '#str_11305050'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 4: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj2_build: Failed to find language string '#str_11305104'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/game/campaign.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: game/campaign_security/objectives/mp/ccity: Failed to find language string '#str_12071105'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 8: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj2a_hack: Failed to find language string '#str_11305110'
WARNING: file decls/locstr/maps/recycling.locstr, line 2: RES1005: Parsing failed - sdDeclLocStr: tasks/recycling/mp/obj2_defend_desc: Failed to find language string '#str_11305125'
Precached locString in 82 ms
Precaching requirement...
Precached requirement in 0 ms
Precaching mapInfoDef...
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/vo/cutscenes/mok_lb_load_screen_01 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/vo/cutscenes/mok_lb_load_screen_01.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/vo/cutscenes/mok_lb_load_screen_01 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/vo/cutscenes/che_lb_load_screen_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/vo/cutscenes/che_lb_load_screen_001.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/vo/cutscenes/che_lb_load_screen_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/vo/cutscenes/mok_ft_load_screen_01 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/vo/cutscenes/mok_ft_load_screen_01.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/vo/cutscenes/mok_ft_load_screen_01 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/vo/cutscenes/che_ft_load_screen_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/vo/cutscenes/che_ft_load_screen_001.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/vo/cutscenes/che_ft_load_screen_001 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
Precached mapInfoDef in 62 ms
Precaching campaignDef...
Precached campaignDef in 0 ms
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - sdDeclPostProcess: _default
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - sdDeclAmbientCubeMap: _default
Parsed source gui 'mainmenu_new' in 201 ms
Parsed source gui 'purewait' in 1 ms
Parsed source gui 'system' in 1 ms
Parsed source gui 'messagebox' in 4 ms
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - idDeclSoundShader: sounds/gui/sec_rank_up
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - idDeclSoundShader: sounds/gui/res_rank_up
Parsed source gui 'tallybox' in 5 ms
Parsed source gui 'guis/demos/hud' in 1 ms
Parsed source gui 'hud' in 30 ms
Parsed source gui 'limbo' in 40 ms
Parsed source gui 'chat' in 2 ms
Parsed source gui 'takeviewnote' in 1 ms
Parsed source gui 'scoreboard' in 3 ms
Parsed source gui 'endgamereview' in 38 ms
Parsed source gui 'taskmenu' in 4 ms
Parsed source gui 'infobox' in 1 ms
Parsed source gui 'chatlayer' in 1 ms
Parsed source gui 'commandpostmenu' in 4 ms
Parsed source gui 'fademenu' in 1 ms
Parsed source gui 'cutscene' in 1 ms
Parsed gui 'guis/demos/hud' in 0 ms
Initializing global player 0 UI namespaces
...12 namespaces
...135 properties
LoadNetVars: Server loaded default table with 2242 entries
--- Completed loading sequence in 4.21s ---
FinishResourceLoads in 00:01
=== Restore Profile 'Mr_Lazor_Spammer' ===
Server config changed to: Custom
DisconnectSafe: Appending cmd system disconnect...
Parsed gui 'mainmenu_new' in 126 ms
Parsed gui 'messagebox' in 1 ms
Parsed gui 'tallybox' in 1 ms
Parsed gui 'system' in 0 ms
game initialized.
------------- Initialized in 00:13 -------------
[BINK] pubdevlegal_splash.bik: ran from memory
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
=== D I S C O N N E C T ===
=== Profile Apply ===
execing 'localization/italian/defaultbinds.cfg'
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -1 (light_feet1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -2 (commandpost_upgrade)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -3 (search_bodies1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -4 (adrenaline1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -5 (gear_head1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -6 (weapon_buff2)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -7 (power_maximum_increase)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -8 (emp_burst)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -9 (sprinting_grenade)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -10 (grenade_shooting)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -11 (homing_beacon)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -12 (extra_layers1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -13 (metabolism1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -14 (magic_fingers)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -15 (mobile_uav)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -16 (aoe_revive)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -17 (spider_sense)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -18 (armor_piercing_rounds)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -19 (extra_mine)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -20 (extra_plates)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -21 (life_buff2)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -22 (grenade_flash)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -23 (control_turret_remotely)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -24 (turret3)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -25 (caltrop_bomb)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -26 (tactical_scanner)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -27 (grenade_damage1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -28 (turret1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -1 (light_feet1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -2 (commandpost_upgrade)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -3 (search_bodies1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -4 (adrenaline1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -5 (gear_head1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -6 (weapon_buff2)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -7 (power_maximum_increase)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -8 (emp_burst)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -9 (sprinting_grenade)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -10 (grenade_shooting)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -11 (homing_beacon)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -12 (extra_layers1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -13 (metabolism1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -14 (magic_fingers)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -15 (mobile_uav)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -16 (aoe_revive)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -17 (spider_sense)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -18 (armor_piercing_rounds)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -19 (extra_mine)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -20 (extra_plates)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -21 (life_buff2)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -22 (grenade_flash)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -23 (control_turret_remotely)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -24 (turret3)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -25 (caltrop_bomb)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -26 (tactical_scanner)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -27 (grenade_damage1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -28 (turret1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -1 (light_feet1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -2 (commandpost_upgrade)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -3 (search_bodies1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -4 (adrenaline1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -5 (gear_head1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -6 (weapon_buff2)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -7 (power_maximum_increase)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -8 (emp_burst)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -9 (sprinting_grenade)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -10 (grenade_shooting)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -11 (homing_beacon)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -12 (extra_layers1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -13 (metabolism1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -14 (magic_fingers)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -15 (mobile_uav)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -16 (aoe_revive)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -17 (spider_sense)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -18 (armor_piercing_rounds)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -19 (extra_mine)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -20 (extra_plates)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -21 (life_buff2)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -22 (grenade_flash)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -23 (control_turret_remotely)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -24 (turret3)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -25 (caltrop_bomb)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -26 (tactical_scanner)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -27 (grenade_damage1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -28 (turret1)
Spent 434ms waiting
Spent 614ms total
Finished compositing contextId -2 team security (0) cinematic: true
Spent 149ms waiting
Spent 369ms total
Finished compositing contextId -2 team resistance (1) cinematic: true
Spent 520ms waiting
Spent 776ms total
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -1 (light_feet1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -2 (commandpost_upgrade)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -3 (search_bodies1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -4 (adrenaline1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -5 (gear_head1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -6 (weapon_buff2)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -7 (power_maximum_increase)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -8 (emp_burst)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -9 (sprinting_grenade)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -10 (grenade_shooting)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -11 (homing_beacon)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -12 (extra_layers1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -13 (metabolism1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -14 (magic_fingers)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -15 (mobile_uav)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -16 (aoe_revive)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -17 (spider_sense)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -18 (armor_piercing_rounds)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -19 (extra_mine)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -20 (extra_plates)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -21 (life_buff2)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -22 (grenade_flash)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -23 (control_turret_remotely)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -24 (turret3)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -25 (caltrop_bomb)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -26 (tactical_scanner)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -27 (grenade_damage1)
WARNING: LoadFromProfile: more abilities than credits: -28 (turret1)
Finished compositing contextId -2 team resistance (1) cinematic: true
Server config changed to: Standard
Collegamento in corso...
Clan guid for team 'security' set to '0'
Clan guid for team 'resistance' set to '0'
client 0 connected.
OnClientConnect: Clearing abilities for client 0
idGameLocal::ServerGetBestTeamAndCampaign - FINAL CAMPAIGN IS campaign_resistance
0 given player class 'engineer' (clients desired player class)
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - idDeclModelDef: char/upper/sec/bomb_arms: Touched outside of loading sequence
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - idDeclModelDef: char/upper/res/thelost_arms: Touched outside of loading sequence
--- Loading sequence: maps/mp/aquarium_loading ---
sound index file 'generated/preload/sound/pc/italian/maps/mp/aquarium_loading.soundpreload' is zero length
Parsed source gui 'loadscreen' in 4 ms
Parsed gui 'loadscreen' in 1 ms
--- Completed loading sequence in 0.04s ---
--- Loading sequence: maps/mp/aquarium ---
loading sound index 'generated/preload/sound/pc/italian/maps/mp/aquarium.soundpreload' with 584 entries
Loaded sound index in 0 ms
--------- Map Initialization ---------
Loaded in 53 ms
Map: maps/mp/aquarium.entities
   16 KB passage memory used to build PVS
    5 msec to calculate PVS
  103 areas
  254 portals
   13 areas visible on average
    1 KB PVS data
LoadNetVars: Server loaded default table with 2242 entries
SetMapXPDisconnect: Disconnect
SetPreMapRankLevel: 23
SetPreMapRankLevelXP: 25391
----------- Game Map Init ------------
Clan guid for team 'security' set to '0'
Clan guid for team 'resistance' set to '0'
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - sdDeclLocStr: game/obj/new_objective_message
Loaded 'c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\brink/gamescriptx86.dll'
  102 classes
  445 functions
  154 variables
Minimum map load time based on loadscreen sound shader: 47150
----------- Loading Map Bot Actions ------------
----------- Loading Map AAS ------------
[Load AAS Binary]
loading 'maps/mp/aquarium.aas_playerb'
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - idDeclSoundShader: sounds/commander/security/enemy_repaired_primary
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - idDeclSoundShader: sounds/commander/security/enemy_destroyed_primary
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_emy_dsrmd_chrg_001_b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_emy_dsrmd_chrg_001_b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_all_emy_dsrmd_chrg_001_b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - idDeclSoundShader: sounds/commander/resistance/enemy_destroyed_primary
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - idDeclSoundShader: sounds/commander/resistance/enemy_building_primary
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - idDeclSoundShader: sounds/commander/resistance/enemy_built_primary
WARNING: idAnimManagerLocal::StubStreamingAnim - stubbing failure!
WARNING: idAnimManagerLocal::StubStreamingAnim - stubbing failure!
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_003.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_004.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_005.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_006 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_006.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_006 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_007 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_007.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_007 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_008 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_008.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_008 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_009 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_009.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_aq_pris_up_009 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_002b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_002b.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_002b is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_003.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_004.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_005.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_006 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_006.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_006 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_007 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_007.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_007 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_008 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_008.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_008 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_009 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_009.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_009 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_010 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_010.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_010 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_011 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_011.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/resistance/che_st_nech_down_011 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1007: Defaulted - idDeclSoundShader: sounds/commander/security/st_prisoner_down
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_002_alt3 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_002_alt3.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_002_alt3 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_005.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_006 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_006.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_006 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_007 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_007.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_007 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_008 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_008.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_008 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_009 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_009.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_009 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_010 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_010.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_st_pris_up_010 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_002_c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_002_c.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_002_c is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_003.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_003 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_004.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_004 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_005.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_005 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_006 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_006.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_006 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_007 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_007.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_007 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_008 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_008.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_008 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_009 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_009.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_009 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_010 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_010.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file localization/sounds/teamboss/security/mok_aq_cmem_dwn_010 is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: sound file sounds/ambience/labs/waterside is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
WARNING: RES1010: Invalid operation - generated/sound/nolocalization/msadpcm/ambience/labs/waterside.msadpcm: not being loaded in the optimal (.preload) order, are your .soundpreload files up to date?
WARNING: sound file sounds/ambience/labs/waterside is not in the sound index - do you need to regenerate the index?
   16 KB passage memory used to build PVS
    5 msec to calculate PVS
  103 areas
  254 portals
   13 areas visible on average
    1 KB PVS data
   16 KB passage memory used to build PVS
    5 msec to calculate PVS
  103 areas
  254 portals
   13 areas visible on average
    1 KB PVS data
...Queued local player char: 0 context id: -1 team: resistance (1) required: true
...Queued n cutscene ccf context id: 1 team: security required: true name: 'char/characters/cutscenes/stage1/alec.ccfinstance'
...Queued n cutscene ccf context id: 2 team: security required: false name: 'char/characters/cutscenes/stage1/ray.ccfinstance'
...Queued n cutscene ccf context id: 3 team: security required: false name: 'char/characters/cutscenes/stage1/richie.ccfinstance'
...Queued random team ccf context id: 17 team: security required: false name: 'char/characters/mp_bots/goodcop_bot.ccfinstance'
...Queued random team ccf context id: 18 team: security required: false name: 'char/characters/mp_bots/firestarter_bot.ccfinstance'
...Queued random team ccf context id: 19 team: security required: false name: 'char/characters/mp_bots/bot_08.ccfinstance'
...Queued random team ccf context id: 20 team: security required: false name: 'char/characters/mp_bots/bot_06.ccfinstance'
...Queued random team ccf context id: 21 team: security required: false name: 'char/characters/mp_bots/bot_05.ccfinstance'
...Queued c cutscene ccf context id: 1 team: resistance required: true name: 'char/characters/cutscenes/stage1/damien.ccfinstance'
...Queued c cutscene ccf context id: 2 team: resistance required: true name: 'char/characters/cutscenes/stage1/dhafer.ccfinstance'
...Queued c cutscene ccf context id: 3 team: resistance required: true name: 'char/characters/cutscenes/stage1/ryan.ccfinstance'
...Queued random team ccf context id: 17 team: resistance required: false name: 'char/characters/mp_bots/goodcop_bot.ccfinstance'
...Queued random team ccf context id: 18 team: resistance required: false name: 'char/characters/mp_bots/firestarter_bot.ccfinstance'
...Queued random team ccf context id: 19 team: resistance required: false name: 'char/characters/mp_bots/bot_08.ccfinstance'
...Queued random team ccf context id: 20 team: resistance required: false name: 'char/characters/mp_bots/bot_06.ccfinstance'
Queued 8 resistance ccfs
Queued 8 security ccfs
Total 16 ccfs queued
WARNING: notificationPopup: hud - Event 'onPropertyChanged' could not find property 'gui.blockInvites'
Parsed gui 'hud' in 10 ms
WARNING: notificationPopup: limbo - Event 'onPropertyChanged' could not find property 'gui.blockInvites'
Parsed gui 'limbo' in 36 ms
Parsed gui 'chat' in 0 ms
Parsed gui 'takeviewnote' in 0 ms
Parsed gui 'scoreboard' in 1 ms
Parsed gui 'democharge' in 0 ms
WARNING: Consider Simplifying GUI Expression '( icompare ( gui . activeMenu , "End_Game_Menu" ) && icompare ( gui . activeNonInteractiveMenu , "TallyTable" ) == 0 && icompare ( gui . activeNonInteractiveMenu , "StopWatchInfo" ) == 0 )' in scope 'chatParent'
Parsed gui 'endgamereview' in 27 ms
Parsed gui 'taskmenu' in 0 ms
Parsed gui 'infobox' in 0 ms
Parsed gui 'chatlayer' in 0 ms
Parsed gui 'commandpostmenu' in 1 ms
Parsed gui 'fademenu' in 0 ms
Parsed gui 'cutscene' in 0 ms
Spawning entities
WARNING: idAnimManagerLocal::StubStreamingAnim - stubbing failure!
WARNING: idAnimManagerLocal::StubStreamingAnim - stubbing failure!
WARNING: Thread '': InitBotTypes: Unknown bot class '' for key 'bot_class' on 'escort_bot_controller'
Static items: spawned 0 models, 436 lights, 3029 collision
WARNING: sdGameMapScriptState::CallClassEvent Failed to set up data for Event Call 'bindToJoint'
bot classes set
Resetting bot skills...
Bot skills reset
Opening lower outer doors
Opening lower inner doors
STOP pushing player from LOWER doorways
Opening upper outer doors
STOP pushing player from UPPER doorways
Closing upper inner doors
elevator_state =  10
Elevator is powered off, so go to bottom
elevator_state =  10
...1261 entities spawned, 0 inhibited

InitFromNewMap: 'maps/mp/aquarium.entities'
0: 'aqrint_csc' StopCutscene...
0: 'aqsint_csc' StopCutscene...
0: 'aqoutro_csc' StopCutscene...
0: 'aqmid_csc' StopCutscene...
Spent 5ms waiting
Spent 250ms total
Finished compositing contextId -1 team resistance (1) cinematic: false
Spent 198ms waiting
Spent 393ms total
Finished compositing contextId 1 team security (0) cinematic: false
Spent 96ms waiting
Spent 308ms total
Finished compositing contextId 2 team security (0) cinematic: false
Spent 93ms waiting
Spent 310ms total
Finished compositing contextId 3 team security (0) cinematic: false
Spent 247ms waiting
Spent 461ms total
Finished compositing contextId 17 team security (0) cinematic: false
Spent 283ms waiting
Spent 569ms total
Finished compositing contextId 18 team security (0) cinematic: false
Spent 217ms waiting
Spent 390ms total
Finished compositing contextId 19 team security (0) cinematic: false
Spent 275ms waiting
Spent 556ms total
Finished compositing contextId 20 team security (0) cinematic: false
Spent 289ms waiting
Spent 534ms total
Finished compositing contextId 21 team security (0) cinematic: false
Spent 139ms waiting
Spent 348ms total
Finished compositing contextId 1 team resistance (1) cinematic: true
Spent 207ms waiting
Spent 412ms total
Finished compositing contextId 2 team resistance (1) cinematic: true
Spent 183ms waiting
Spent 372ms total
Finished compositing contextId 3 team resistance (1) cinematic: true
Spent 93ms waiting
Spent 300ms total
Finished compositing contextId 17 team resistance (1) cinematic: false
Spent 90ms waiting
Spent 302ms total
Finished compositing contextId 18 team resistance (1) cinematic: false
Spent 65ms waiting
Spent 259ms total
Finished compositing contextId 19 team resistance (1) cinematic: false
Spent 84ms waiting
Spent 280ms total
Finished compositing contextId 20 team resistance (1) cinematic: false
--- Completed loading sequence in 10.46s ---
----- idSoundCache::EndLevelLoad -----
_vmtrpages: locked 1106846 bytes (8.44 cache lines) in physical image, 0 cache lines in disk cache
maps/mp/aquarium: locked 295080 bytes (2.25 cache lines) in physical image, 0 cache lines in disk cache
Virtual textures loaded and locked in 0.37s
0: 'aqrint_csc' StopCutscene...
...precaching anims for actor: ( maps/mp/aquarium.entities ) aqrint_actor_1
...precaching anims for actor: ( maps/mp/aquarium.entities ) aqrint_actor_2
...precaching anims for actor: ( maps/mp/aquarium.entities ) aqrint_actor_3
...precaching anims for actor: ( maps/mp/aquarium.entities ) aqrint_player
0: 'aqsint_csc' StopCutscene...
0: 'aqoutro_csc' StopCutscene...
0: 'aqmid_csc' StopCutscene...
=== Allow user to skip loading screen ===
00:13 to load maps/mp/aquarium.entities
sdAbilityManager::OnLocalPlayerClassChanged: 0
Received abilities from client 0
...'grenade_molotov' set as bind 0
...'grenade_flash' set as bind 1
...'grenade_napalm' set as bind 3
...'field_gen' set as bind 4
...'aoe_revive' set as bind 5
...'light_feet1' set as bind 7
...'landmine' set as bind 8
...'turret3' set as bind 9
...'pyromine' set as bind 11
...'mobile_uav' set as bind 12
...'caltrop_bomb' set as bind 13
...'emp_burst' set as bind 15
...'charge' set as bind 16
...'spotting' set as bind 17
...'repairing' set as bind 18
...'disarming' set as bind 19
...'building' set as bind 20
...'revive' set as bind 21
...'hacking' set as bind 22
...'hardened_skin' set as bind 23
...'power_maximum_increase' set as bind 24
...'sprinting_reload' set as bind 25
...'sprinting_grenade' set as bind 26
...'spider_sense' set as bind 27
...'grenade_shooting' set as bind 28
...'silent_movement' set as bind 29
...'power_rate_increase' set as bind 30
...'third_person_objectives' set as bind 31
...'tactical_scanner' set as bind 32
...'downed_fire' set as bind 33
...'gear_head1' set as bind 34
...'magic_fingers' set as bind 35
...'commandpost_upgrade' set as bind 36
...'extra_mine' set as bind 37
...'self_resurrection' set as bind 38
...'increase_power2' set as bind 39
...'armor_piercing_rounds' set as bind 40
...'grenade_mastery' set as bind 41
...'search_bodies1' set as bind 42
...'extra_layers1' set as bind 43
...'extra_magazine' set as bind 44
...'grenade_aoe' set as bind 45
...'grenade_damage1' set as bind 46
...'hack_commandpost' set as bind 47
...'homing_beacon' set as bind 48
...'interrogation1' set as bind 49
...'hack_turret' set as bind 50
...'control_turret_remotely' set as bind 51
...'cortex_bomb' set as bind 52
...'give_ammo' set as bind 56
...'life_buff2' set as bind 58
...'weapon_buff2' set as bind 60
...'disguise_self' set as bind 61
53 abilities set
done setting 53 local abilities
All Stats Cleared
99: Cinematic (correct) model for 'aqrint_actor_1' composited (uses id 1, expected id 1), ccfIndex 9
99: Cinematic (correct) model for 'aqrint_actor_2' composited (uses id 2, expected id 2), ccfIndex 10
99: Cinematic (correct) model for 'aqrint_actor_3' composited (uses id 3, expected id 3), ccfIndex 11
99: Non-cinematic (correct) model for 'aqrint_player' composited (uses id -1, expected id -1), ccfIndex 0
mouse: Failed to remove raw input device

(iv2b) #2

i still need help

(Commander_Keen) #3

Find the following path on your computerā€¦

ā€¦\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata#steamid#\22350\local\base

ā€¦where #steamid# is the number steam gives your login. in that folder rename the files with a CFG extension for backup and try to run the game like that. It will build a new default configuration file and may resolve the issue. If it does not simply open that same path delete all CFG files and rename your backups to the way they were before.

(Commander_Keen) #4

if you have a 32 bit version of Windows you will not have the ā€œx86ā€ in your program files folder name.

(iv2b) #5

iā€™ve done that,but it didnā€™t work.
in that folder there were only one file .cfg called brinkconfig.cfg.
what iā€™ve seen this time,is that just a little time before self-closing,i can see the animation before the game and at the bottom-right corner the button to skip the animation is highlighted white; i can barely see one frame of the animation and then thereā€™s my desktop.
any ideas?

(Commander_Keen) #6

Read the replies from Crispy in these 2 threads. If they donā€™t work maybe heā€™ll see this one if not shoot him a Private messageā€¦

(iv2b) #7

ok,iā€™ve added the log in the first post.

(Crispy) #8

Itā€™s most likely this.

(iv2b) #9

ok,so,iā€™ve downloaded catalyst 11.10 from this link: (the second download link)
and as installing iā€™ve followed this guide:
but it still isnā€™t working!
i had installed catalyst 12 ,do i have to let my computer use the 11.10 or it automatically does that?

so,just to be sure,iā€™ve searched again the catalyst 12 install file,uninstalled it,and then reinstalled the 11.10 again.
letā€™s home this works! (restarting now!)

awesome it works,thank you!

also,iā€™ve fixed a little audio bug i had by downgrading my driverā€¦isnā€™t this funny? xD