I had a great time with Brink, really I did. I think that it was pretty well made, but there were certainly some gaps in it’s design. If Brink 2 comes out, I’ll certainly pre-order it! Hell, if any game from splash damage comes out that is multiplayer focused I’ll buy it (Just port it to console!)
I sincerely hope that you guys all have a great time, but I’m moving on to WH40k Space Marine, which I’m having some fun in. It’s just that now having a girl friend I don’t have much time and I promised to take part in one of the chapters.
So to all the forum buds, see ya! Have fun! Don’t expect me to be on that much!
To all the haters (Or whatever, just negative ) stop hanging around here and have some fun on some other game! (Or if your not having fun, critic them! Seriously, some of you should be critics) =) If you guys aren’t like “THANK GOD HE’S GONE” I will be surprised.
And to all the people I played online with, this is it buddies. I’ll play a little bit maybe but only when i have a lot of time!
To SD,
- Don’t give me a ticket now cuz I sped 20 years ago XD (Seriously guys…)
- Listen to the lovers and the haters. And don’t let Bethesda control your game next time!
Sincerely and the best wishes to everyone,
-RabidAnubis, god of burial.