Brink AI Updates

(nankura) #1

Hey guys

Ok i was considering redownloading brink on steam. ( the reason im posting before downloading , instead of “dl and try it” is because my silly net company has a monthly restricted download limit. so i have to pick my game of the month carefully and due to that, im not always playing multiplayer. i like a game with good AI to play against. so im checking before downloading and researching on google wasnt much help on the matter )

Since ive got my new pc, i was looking to install it, but i remembered why i stopped playing it. and frankly it was the AI been unchallenging and abit dull. not completing objectives. getting stuck in multiple area’s etc. i cant always play online, so i need a game that provides a decent AI opponent

And theres only 3 servers left running in australia. so thats a downfall, really sad to see that because regardless of the AI issues. the game was good. with a phew tweaks necessary for gameplay modes

So end of a long story that nobodys interested in. has the AI been updated since release. and if so, whats been updated. i searched google but couldnt find a clear note on what exactly was changed

(DrpPlates) #2

dont waste your bandwidth…