Best Phantom KNIFE LOADOUT (No katana)

(SirMurder) #1

So what is the best Phantom knife loadout (no katana

(reacti0N) #2

I forget what it was called, but there was this one card with the Beckhill and Double Time.

(m86edit) #3

cr51 AND c51

(LifeupOmega) #4

C51 all the way. Sneaky drops your cloak sound on top of footsteps, Double Time is a no brainer, and Enigma cuts down that spotted time dramatically - which is wonderful when you rely on your cloak at times.

(SirMurder) #5

[quote=“LifeupOmega;154289”]C51 all the way. Sneaky drops your cloak sound on top of footsteps, Double Time is a no brainer, and Enigma cuts down that spotted time dramatically - which is wonderful when you rely on your cloak at times.

1St Sneaky drops cloak audio cue? Second 0:44 THAT SKYBRO DROPPED AMMO… IN A PUB ON REQUEST OMG!!! :smiley:

(sgtCrookyGrin) #6

When I used the Katana
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(Amerika) #7

@sgtCrookyGrin Please don’t post repeat spam comments in threads.

(Ballto) #8

Best phantom cards in order ( i know you said knife not katana but im including both anyway in case anyone else might want to see the katana too)

Undercover is a great perk for obvious reasons, longer lasting ability is generally just better.
Drilled is super nice, especially on SMGs. They generally burn through mags fast, and on any CQC weapon in any game less downtime in reloading is a huge benefit.
Untrackable helps you be sneaky sneak, especially now with BW on rotation, and helps with mines since phantom is usually most effective in places where proxies are super effective, especially if you want to go melee.

Here is a quote from a previous thread on other reasons why i think BL94 is better

Best loadout for phoenix, phantom, thunder
Second best proxy stoker[/quote]

Gotta disagree with the Phantom and Proxy Phantom = C94 / CR94 Proxy = R22 KE53[/quote]

For phantom i just prefer the bishlok for many many reasons ive covered before but it really just boils down to personal preference.

The only real point to using the C94 (the one with kek katana chop and undercover i thnk) is for chop, but if you do the maths it will only help you kill two classes faster with quick slashes, thunder and fragger, and OHK only one additional class, Phoenix (after the vasili buff)

All other classes are a 2HK at most with the katana quick slash, which most players use anyway because long clunky heavy stab animation.

KEK is the second best SMG for aggressive classes in general in my opinion behind the Bishlok, and the deagle is the best heavy pistol since it has an extra shot and much less bloom per shot than the revolvers. The beckhill is also generally considered a better melee weapon as its animation isnt weird like the stilnotto, does decent damage, and has okay range.

Enigma is super good on classes like phantom and proxies if youre playing super offensive since it cuts down on being spotted by a hell of a lot.

doubletime is just good on any merc, since you dont have to limit your mobility as much after disengaging from an enemy, even if you need to run away while spotted.

Sneaky helps the running sound, and supposedly the cloak noise too, but im not really fully sure.

(NetflixandKill) #9

I personally love the CR51 simply because I like the Crotzni and not having the Katana forces me to run and gun / be stealth with my invis. I ended up having to come to terms with the CR51 after getting it in my Humble Bundle case (which I’m still a lil salty about but idk >__>). The C51 is better on paper, but I’ve never really liked the kek .-.

(SirMurder) #10


(Reddeadcap) #11

The BL61 Tornado Operative is great in my opinion.

The Blishlok is really overlooked, it could use better accuracy/recoil but it’s really a good SMG that pretty much works like a mini M1.
The Simeon .357 is by far my favorite magnum for some reason.
It has the Beckhill Combat Knife which one can really overlook since everyone just wants the katana.

With Springy, Quickeye and Drilled.
One can ADS to shoot enemies with the Simeon and Blishlok without losing track of them, Reload faster which is always a nice touch and reach places quickly to ambush enemies.

(sgtCrookyGrin) #12

True, Blishlock is an overlooked weapon and I don’t blame people for overlooking it, it has some detraction’s that make it feel unimpressive when Phantom has access to some great weapons like the Crotzni and KEK. And quite frankly the TTK is very inflexible with this weapon, only having a strong TTK against 90HP (basically only Proxy and Kira are killed efficiently according to statistics) mercs when Crotzni and KEK do great against every other merc that you will likely encounter. Sadly though I love the looks of the Blishlock, it looks like the TommyGun and Vector K-10 had a baby and Blishlock was it’s name. It was slower than most SMGs, but made up for it in it’s brawn XD

(Naonna) #13

insert photoshop here of a steroid-baby mixed with the Blishlock