Best gladiator in DB?

(TheStrangerous) #1

A fun debate thread.

For the longest time I was in #TeamKiratana however times have changed.

Berserker Javelin is my perfect middle ground, between slow and clunky Phantom, and agile but soft Kiratana.


Thank you SD, for reviving hatchet scrub from Fistful Of Frags :wink:

(AlbinMatt) #2

Never tried the Viking Bear, but if I had to say from experience, it’s Phoenix with the Becky. U don’t know why I’m such a fanatic about him, but being able to negate damage and heal your teammates in less than two seconds is so damn valuable, doubly so when fighting multiple targets in melee. Beckhill because that’s literally the only functional blade that doesn’t violate the laws of physics.

(BlackboltLW) #3


(AlbinMatt) #4

Never tried the Viking Bear, but if I had to say from experience, it’s Phoenix with the Becky. I don’t know why I’m such a fanatic about him, but being able to negate damage and heal your teammates in less than two seconds is so damn valuable, doubly so when fighting multiple targets in melee. Beckhill because that’s literally the only functional blade that doesn’t violate the laws of physics.

(Mr-Penguin) #5

Nothing like stabbing 2+ Proxies that are feebly attempting to stack repairs on an EV…

(Your worst knifemare.) #6

Kiras better speed makes flanking those pesky Rhino stations easy.

(GatoCommodore) #7

proxy+cricket bat/beckhill is the best imo

(Frogteam) #8

Samurarty is the only truly honorable gladiator.
~~ ~~
This is a real Signature.

(Boory Marks) #9

There’s no competition when you compare everyone to Rhino with the stiletto.

Fat man pricks people with toothpick (2017)


I like to demoralize my opponents and crack skulls with my Chopper/Bat K63 Fragger.

(Dysfnal) #11


(AlbinMatt) #12

@Dys[fn]al said:

This is a dagger, you are the daggee, I am the daggerer!

(Tehumanairstrik) #13

Thundukri. EAT MY KNIFE.

(Ptiloui) #14

I remember the good times with Redeye G41 : Quick slash + Chopper ? :open_mouth: + Smoke :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :dizzy:

(FishRolls) #15

@Tehumanairstrik said:
Thundukri. EAT MY KNIFE.

man flashes, bangs, concusses and punctures people