Bee bomb ability discrepancies

(Coup_de_grace) #1

The bee bomb description states that it will deal up to 20 points of damage for 8 turns, but it in fact deals 10 standard damage only for 8 turns. This is misleading to players looking forward to level up as they will be disappointed that it will not be living up to its promise. The description or the damage needs to be fixed to make it coherent to each other.

Opinions guys?

(tinker) #2

well I do NOT know what you are reading there
but at my description it says:
8pt. of damage for 20 rounds
in FACT it is mostly 10 dmg not 8

I don’t get your problem too
20dmg for 8 rounds results in the same damage as
8dmg for 20 rounds (820 = 208)
and 8dmg for 20 rounds - once you hit a Agent he will NOT be able to totally disappear for 3 rounds because you know where he stands right at the beginning of each round - once you hit him.

I never leveled for any ability though, I played the game for fun the leveling up and extra abilities + money and RAD bux was just extra

(Coup_de_grace) #3

[QUOTE=tinker;424000]well I do NOT know what you are reading there
but at my description it says:
8pt. of damage for 20 rounds
in FACT it is mostly 10 dmg not 8[/QUOTE]

You got it all wrong there my friend, im looking at the bee bom info it specifically says:
Level 37 Bee Bomb
Calls in a Bee Hive up to 6 squares away. Furious Bees do up to 20 pts of damage for 8 turns!

Which would be (23 rough primary damage + 20dmg X 8 turns = 183 DMG in 8 turns) now it only deals (23 rough primary damage + 10dmg X 8 turns =103dmg in 8 turns) thats 80 DAMAGE less that promised!!!

Maybe you were looking at yours too when replying for i sure am looking at the info in mine correctly as stated above abt bee bombs. i think you have mistaken the 8 turns and 20 dmg the other way around…My game version is also up to date too so it isnt version difference.

Here i also included a screen shot as reference to the info.

P.S the 3 turns dmg taken seen at opponents start phase is only for Kate’s toxic and Juan’s Nova which both last 3 turns. Bee Bomb’s 8 turns will enable you to see whoever is invisible for 8 turns.

(Bwade) #4

When the bees hit you its does 20 damage but the dot does 10 just like juans molatov it says it does 30 damage but it does only 30 when hit and 12 over time

(Coup_de_grace) #5

That could probably be the intended damage of the bee bomb of 20 primary dmg and 10 dmg X 8 turns. But as you can see in the screen shot the descrip does not correlate so.
Up to 20pt FOR 8 turns!!!
That isnt talking abt primary dmg like Kate’s. (Does up to 30 pts within 3sqre radius) Juan’s descrip doesn’t state dot and turns, it just says does 35 points. But it is understdable that in this context it doesn’t mean 35 dot.
You see what I mean that the descrip is ambigious, tricky or misleading even?

(Bwade) #6

[QUOTE=Coup_de_grace;424166]That could probably be the intended damage of the bee bomb of 20 primary dmg and 10 dmg X 8 turns. But as you can see in the screen shot the descrip does not correlate so.
Up to 20pt FOR 8 turns!!!
That isnt talking abt primary dmg like Kate’s. (Does up to 30 pts within 3sqre radius) Juan’s descrip doesn’t state dot and turns, it just says does 35 points. But it is understdable that in this context it doesn’t mean 35 dot.
You see what I mean that the descrip is ambigious, tricky or misleading even?[/QUOTE]

Yea i see where it could be misleading because it fooled me to i just wanted to break it down and help you:)

(Coup_de_grace) #7

:rolleyes: Hahaha the disappointment of a most powerful DoT ever >.<