Aura vs Sawbonez - Balancing Suggestion

(watsyurdeal) #41

I think people need to stop and realize something, maybe the merc isn’t underpowered but rather does not fit your style of play. I can safely say as powerful as Aura is I still prefer Sawbonez because he’s a far more aggressive offensive Medic than Aura. She’s really more of a Medic made for holding down an area rather than a Medic that aids in a Push or Objectives.

So before you make any more stupid suggestions like buffing Sawbonez’ speed, think about how you use him, or her in the other case.

(Runeforce) #42

I will admit that I find Aura much more fun, solely because of her speed, but…

Perhaps switch the abilities of Aura and Saw? But that does not seem radical enough, so obviously the answer would be to try and boost Saw’s move speed.

The thing about medics is speed is king. Any medics (asuming they can’t revive from a distance) that are moving slower are already underpowered, because they are not as effective in their primary role of reviving, since time is HP. Of course you could use the time is money argument on all classes, but speed is a major factor for keeping waves alive, and gimping that ability is huge for the role.
Sawbonez does have more health, but he is also a larger target, and have a different, but IMO overall slightly less usefull ability + he’s gimped in his primary ability of reviving.

I would really like to see all medics have the same fast movement speed and a larger overlab of weapons between them. So it is fine if the healing station is better then the medpacks (on fortified positions), because the merc that has it is slightly weaker in health. Of course you could go the other way and nerf the healing station, but that would not solve the class effeciency problem I sketched above.

(watsyurdeal) #43

Again, that is all based on your own perspective, I personally don’t think Sawbonez is underpowered at all. The Med Kits are easy to drop and give someone, they recharge fairly quickly, and I can have up to 3, so if I am sticking with 2 other people to lead a push or guard the plant spot I can keep everyone up and moving without slowing down.

More speed is only good if you’re actually moving, which Aura usually isn’t, if anything her speed is meant to allow her to retreat easier when the defense is finished and she needs to fallback, that and she’s a shotgun user, unlike Saw who uses SMGs.

It all comes down to preference, there will likely be more Medics added but each one is meant to appeal to a specific style of playing, I don’t think any of them are really too overpowered per say, but I do think that they should not be tanks, in that they shouldn’t be able to heal themselves so fast they can absorb incoming damage. I notice that problem a LOT more with Aura. I also don’t think it should take so much time finish someone off, it feels like it takes the exact same amount of shots to finish someone as it does to kill them outright.

(Runeforce) #44

Yes it is. We are not really talking about the same thing here. You are talking about the medpacks vs. healing stations balance (or how healing abilities affect styles of play,) I am talking about the class effeciency in keeping waves alive (or how the ability to effeciently revive targets, determines a medics value.)

I could not disagree more. This would be a huge debuff to all medics and a huge buff to everybody else and especially campers. Use your knife.

(watsyurdeal) #45

To the first response, to that I say the problem isn’t Sawbonez, it’s Aura. Her healing station should be like dispenser, a fall back area, not an offensive healing tool. Or at least that’s how it should be, Aura right now, with her healing station can tank damage and heal people rapidly. How it works needs to change, a simple delay in healing while taking damage or a slower heal rate would be fine.

And to the second, yes it is a debuff, cause right now there’s no other way to deny a revive except a direct explosive, a sniper headshot, or the knife. Think of how many things fit the bill…very little.

When you kill someone and you aren’t in range to knife them, it’s basically double their HP. So if I killed a Fragger, 150 HP to kill, 150 HP to finish.

How is that fair in a scenario where I killed someone at medium range, I run to knife them, only for them to get revived and now I am in a 2 v 1 fight I can not win. That is bullshit, I got the kill, I should at least be able to deny a revive on headshot, or have to only deal a tad more damage, 50% of their health, to finish them.

(Runeforce) #46

So about that, I will play the jerk card and throw your own quote at you:

(benignMaster) #47

Sawbonez with crotzini > any aura

(genuineScion) #48

[quote=“sunsetRivet;14736”]So just remniscend:

  • Ramping up healing speed seems to be something we can mostly agree on
  • Still open wether Aura should have a slowed heal or not
  • Defibrilator CD discussion will be continued once we are done with the above

About wether Aura should have a weaker self heal or not, I have another idea:
Why not simply say that healing ramps up slower for her? (My opinion that her heal should be weaker in some way is obvious I’d say, but I’m open to discuss how and how much - I’m always open to discussions as long as they don’t end in a rant or I can’t accept the basic concept which was presented to me)[/quote]

You’re open to discussion? You created a discussion, you don’t get to mediate/validate everything everyone says here.

(Myself_Deal_with_it) #49

please note that aura is a beginners merc, it would be terrible if aura had all little small things like cooldown on defibs (what is a bad idea anyways) , health ramp up and slower self heal, aura has to be like plug-and-play for new players.
i suggest just make the heal slower ONLY

(cornJester) #50

[quote=“Myself_Deal_with_it;99106”]please note that aura is a beginners merc, it would be terrible if aura had all little small things like cooldown on defibs (what is a bad idea anyways) , health ramp up and slower self heal, aura has to be like plug-and-play for new players.
i suggest just make the heal slower ONLY[/quote]
Congratulations, @Myself_Deal_with_it you just necroposted in a 6 month old thread. Next time instead of suggesting things in an extremely outdated thread make a new one…

A lot has changed from 6 months ago and it’s confusing to see this on the top of the page only to realize that it’s an extremely outdated discussion because someone dug through the very back of the forums and posted there.

(Myself_Deal_with_it) #51

[quote=“cornJester;99118”][quote=“Myself_Deal_with_it;99106”]please note that aura is a beginners merc, it would be terrible if aura had all little small things like cooldown on defibs (what is a bad idea anyways) , health ramp up and slower self heal, aura has to be like plug-and-play for new players.
i suggest just make the heal slower ONLY[/quote]
Congratulations, @Myself_Deal_with_it you just necroposted in a 6 month old thread. Next time instead of suggesting things in an extremely outdated thread make a new one…

A lot has changed from 6 months ago and it’s confusing to see this on the top of the page only to realize that it’s an extremely outdated discussion because someone dug through the very back of the forums and posted there.
