Aura healing deployable feedback

(Protekt1) #21

I think in relation to sawbones people may be right. It is kinda OP in that respect. I am more concerned with how good it is when you cannot easily destroyed it. But that is a valid point as well.

One thing that is difficult to judge by in this test phase, however, is that since we don’t have access to all the mercs we are missing several good counters to it like thunder’s stun nades, stoker’s molotov, and nader’s grenade launcher.

I think it will need tweaks regardless.

(Mustang) #22

The “go overboard then scale it back” idea only works if you do the second half as well as the first half.

Still waiting for shotguns to be fixed and the airstrike cooldown to be reduced as well.

(AssortedStuff) #23

I’m of the same opinion. I was playing Proxy and to help the team I decided to charge a group camping around a heal station to deploy a mine (kamikaze mission). Everyone dies (3 or 4, can’t recall) but the healing station was still up.

(Glottis-3D) #24
  1. Destroy the station
  2. Kill Aura

this is how Aura is supposed to be countered, not the other way around.

if the station is behind the corner, and Aura is spamming one-shots from behind the corner, and you do not have explosives. well…you shall not pass…=)

(prophett) #25

Nope :confused:

(Mustang) #26

[QUOTE=prophett;522183]Nope :confused:

Another one that plays with arrow keys.

(prophett) #27

Master Race.

(Violator) #28

On a side note (and can be seen in the vid above) that jump into the MG room is really clunky atm, you get stuck on the gun geometry half the time :(. Didn’t used to be the case a few patches ago.

EDIT: Mustang has raised the issue here -

(Silvanoshi) #29

So…the healing station.

On the whole it’s actually pretty close to where we want it to be. It’s strong, yes. Maybe a small bit stronger than it should be, but I definitely wouldn’t go as far as to call it hugely OP. We’ve got a few things that need to be fixed…like explosives doing damage to the station properly, and making it easier to identify friendly stations vs enemy ones (colour of the effect should be red for enemy stations), and maybe a minor change to its performance.

Since this is a bit of a hot button issue we’ll continue to keep a close eye on the station situation, on the whole though, it’s not far off where we want it to be.

(ragnak) #30

Now i just wait for you to tell me that fragger or br-16 (that was the name iirc) is also ok 8D. Even if it was balanced power wise (its not) there are still mercs that simply cant deal with it at all and to top it off its frustrating to deal with (especially for new players, to the point that they might quit the game before learning how to deal with it, or to simply run away from it) unless you play a fragger but fragger is a demi-god so yea.

Its also confusing how you find healing station in a good place and yet we have abilities like arty’s one =/.

(ASD) #31

[QUOTE=Silvanoshi;522210]So…the healing station.

On the whole it’s actually pretty close to where we want it to be. It’s strong, yes. Maybe a small bit stronger than it should be, but I definitely wouldn’t go as far as to call it hugely OP. We’ve got a few things that need to be fixed…like explosives doing damage to the station properly, and making it easier to identify friendly stations vs enemy ones (colour of the effect should be red for enemy stations), and maybe a minor change to its performance.

Since this is a bit of a hot button issue we’ll continue to keep a close eye on the station situation, on the whole though, it’s not far off where we want it to be.[/QUOTE]

if this is OK for you… I think all other caracters need to be adjusted to be strronger :slight_smile:

also I think there should be some denil aerea around a healing station what you cant plant 2 near each other…

(BMXer) #32

[QUOTE=Silvanoshi;522210]So…the healing station.

On the whole it’s actually pretty close to where we want it to be. It’s strong, yes. Maybe a small bit stronger than it should be, but I definitely wouldn’t go as far as to call it hugely OP. We’ve got a few things that need to be fixed…like explosives doing damage to the station properly, and making it easier to identify friendly stations vs enemy ones (colour of the effect should be red for enemy stations), and maybe a minor change to its performance.

Since this is a bit of a hot button issue we’ll continue to keep a close eye on the station situation, on the whole though, it’s not far off where we want it to be.[/QUOTE]

So someone actually thinks its a good idea for the healing station to regen WHILE the player is taking damage? I find it hard to believe anyone would think this is good who has actually played an FPS game.

(Runeforce) #33

This is it. The problem is that people shoot the persons instead of the station. It’s easely destroyed (but not that easy to differentiate and thus also in a way hard to spot,) and if you ignore it, you deserve to get fragged. The problem with Sawbonez, is that damage cancels the healing effect. A delay instead would be nice and not make him feel underpowered compared to Aura.

(prophett) #34

This is definitely not the issue :confused:

(NeroKirbus) #35

Consistency is an issue with it; why would each medic’s heal interact differently depending on the way it is applied? All heals need to be canceled once damage has occurred, end of story. Aura’s healing station should not be the exception, it adds too much inconsistency when her heal is the only one that is not interruptible, as well as a trait that is highly desirable for a support class. Allowing her to be the only one with that niche without a real drawback to her supportive abilities makes her seem extremely over powered…

(Floris) #36

Perhaps the smallest issue with healing stations, but can you damage it with the milk jug? I was trying to do that this weekend but it didn’t seem to do any damage. For the rest it sucks, but I always play support classes so I have no easy way of doing area of effect damage to healing stations.

(ailmanki) #37

Aura vs Aura…
first to attack the other one will usually die, since the other one has a healing station which in its current configuration is OP.

engi&turret vs engi&turret,
similar situation actually.

(meat) #38

never tried damaging it with a milk jug, but using defibrillators on the health station destroys it quickly.

(spookify) #39

[QUOTE=Silvanoshi;522210]So…the healing station.

On the whole it’s actually pretty close to where we want it to be. It’s strong, yes. Maybe a small bit stronger than it should be, but I definitely wouldn’t go as far as to call it hugely OP. We’ve got a few things that need to be fixed…like explosives doing damage to the station properly, and making it easier to identify friendly stations vs enemy ones (colour of the effect should be red for enemy stations), and maybe a minor change to its performance.

Since this is a bit of a hot button issue we’ll continue to keep a close eye on the station situation, on the whole though, it’s not far off where we want it to be.[/QUOTE]

Why is the heal station allowed to keep healing when hit meanwhile SAW’s packs stop!! Saw has a fairly nice gun but everything team related and non-campy is the opposite.

People are taking damage running and Hiding… Taking damage running and hiding…

Same goes for a team push. With a fragger in front of you he starts to take damage so you hit him with a pack he only gets the direct hit HP because he’s being shot so you hit him with another pack and again you only get the direct hit HP. NOW he dies! You need to pick him up fast because you are in the middle of a battle so you can not charge your paddles. You pick him up and give him a pack. You die… He dies! It happens like this every freaking time! Unless you can make a small push and duck into a corner!

Aura on Defense is crazy. Set the heal station around the corner from a choke point that the enemy can not shot or explode. Aura keeps reviving herself and a fragger or rhino. Example would be Second stage train right in the knock of the tall wall AND Bridge right right before the ramp on last stage.

Can you also please clarify that the medic behind the revived person still takes damage correct? I knew SD was messing around with a person taking less damage after a revive or some type of shield but I was still getting nailed from long distance by shotgun behind a revived fragger.

Teamwork on this game has such a low skill ceiling right now especially with these mercs!

In an objective based game one person can win the match and 2 people can stop 5!!!

(chippy) #40

I guess one of the issues is also the fact that right now there aren’t that many mercs available, which leads to more people picking and using aura. While the healing station was pretty annoying earlier as well, the fact that all mercs was available lead to us not having to face two or three Auras as often as we have done in these tests.

I’d still like to see what it would do if it healed in bursts rather than continous healing.