Are ranked games only on West London and Stockholm servers?

(mpod89) #1

I’ve played a lot of ranked in the last few weeks and only servers i ever get a match on are West London and Stockholm which kinds sucks because they’re the furthest away EU servers from me. I’m either extremely unlucky in the server assignment or those are the only 2 servers for ranked. Even in cmm i get put in West London 90% of the time. What’s going on with Frankfurt and Amsterdam and why are there no ranked games on them? My ping to Frankfurt and Amsterdam is 40-60 and to West London and Stockholm 70-85. It’s far from being unplayable but you can really feel the ping difference, especially when playing against someone with ping under 40. So what gives?

(K1X455) #2

(Mc1412013) #3

Thats ok i get a lot of us west servers when im all the way on the other side of the country ibshould be east coast servers but im guessing more people are on west coast than east.

(mpod89) #4

I would really like to some SD statement on this, or some video from the past. Is there a reason why ranked games are only on those two servers and why central EU serevers seem to be few and far in between.

(Mc1412013) #5

@mpod89 said:
I would really like to some SD statement on this,

Take a number there are curently 9999999999999999 questions waiting to be answered in front of yours sadly.

(FalC_16) #6

Totaly agree with op. Me being in east EU is super annoying when I get London server. I guess it picks the server based on connections from majority of the matched players. So yes perhaps most active ranked players are from the west EU countries

(D'@athi) #7

I guess the connect-routine is simply using the shuffle-teams-routine.

Btw: You can simply block the Ip’s of the annoying servers. Won’t let you connect, starts the game with one player less, but you won’t get a penalty. Really, who the fuck still cares …if… these competent developers launch season 5 unchanged, with all the complaints beeign around for …years…

(Begin2018) #8

Official answer, by the lead developer of Dirtybomb himself :