Now that the clan update was released along with the PC weapon tweaks and small updates for all systems, I, and I think others, would appreciate it if SD would let us know what else is planned for this game and more importantly IF anything else is planned. Communication goes a long way.
Particular questions I have are is SD still looking into further spread reduction for the PC?
Is SD looking into balancing the maps for competitive play?
Is the release of an SDK still a possibility?
Is the release of linux server files still a possibility?
I imagine some users would also like to know if more DLC is in the works, but I’d rather have the current gameplay worked before new elements are introduced.
Anyways, any info at all would be appreciated, even if its a “we’re not sure,” or “we’ll let you know soon,” or “no, no more updates.” Anything is better than the silence I have come accustomed to for much of Brink’s post-release life.
I made a similar post a couple months ago before the last update and I was happy to get an informative response from badman, letting us know what you guys were working on. Please, do that again!