Are future updates in the works?

(aviynw) #1

Now that the clan update was released along with the PC weapon tweaks and small updates for all systems, I, and I think others, would appreciate it if SD would let us know what else is planned for this game and more importantly IF anything else is planned. Communication goes a long way.

Particular questions I have are is SD still looking into further spread reduction for the PC?

Is SD looking into balancing the maps for competitive play?

Is the release of an SDK still a possibility?

Is the release of linux server files still a possibility?

I imagine some users would also like to know if more DLC is in the works, but I’d rather have the current gameplay worked before new elements are introduced.

Anyways, any info at all would be appreciated, even if its a “we’re not sure,” or “we’ll let you know soon,” or “no, no more updates.” Anything is better than the silence I have come accustomed to for much of Brink’s post-release life.

I made a similar post a couple months ago before the last update and I was happy to get an informative response from badman, letting us know what you guys were working on. Please, do that again!

(iezza) #2

[QUOTE=aviynw;387176]Now that the clan update was released along with the PC weapon tweaks and small updates for all systems, I, and I think others, would appreciate it if SD would let us know what else is planned for this game and more importantly IF anything else is planned. Communication goes a long way.

Particular questions I have are is SD still looking into further spread reduction for the PC? I belive they are, i think this was just a minor test

Is SD looking into balancing the maps for competitive play? not if i remember correctly, they want the game play mechanics to be balanced first.

Is the release of an SDK still a possibility? Unless they get funding from bethesda, no.

Is the release of linux server files still a possibility? see above

I imagine some users would also like to know if more DLC is in the works, but I’d rather have the current gameplay worked before new elements are introduced.

Anyways, any info at all would be appreciated, even if its a “we’re not sure,” or “we’ll let you know soon,” or “no, no more updates.” Anything is better than the silence I have come accustomed to for much of Brink’s post-release life.

I made a similar post a couple months ago before the last update and I was happy to get an informative response from badman, letting us know what you guys were working on. Please, do that again![/QUOTE]

I’ve answered a basic summary of what SD have roughly said in the last few threads.

(McAfee) #3

Nobody will ever know. Because the 2 threads started in dates:

  • 15th May 2011, Replies: 149, Views: 12,039, Last Post 26th Oct 2011
  • 18th May 2011, Replies: 22, Views: 1,569, Last Post 6th Nov 2011

Both with an effort to get an official response… NEVER GOT ONE!
Not even one post from SD staff.

That’s a fact. The rest, you can assume anything you want.

(Ruben0s) #4

I guess we will see the linux server files some day, because badman said this:

Steve ‘badman’ Hessel

Steve flog gleich 3 Stunden nach dem Event zurück nach London. Er war anwesend, um den Spielern Rede und Antwort zu Brink zu stehen. Auf meine Frage hin, ob es Linux Serverfiles geben wird, bejahte dies Steve.

Still waiting on a update.

Badman is a community manager that just doesn’t have the balls to deliver bad news ( or he is not allowed to do so).

(tangoliber) #5

My hope is that SD will use Brink as a beta testing ground for features in their next project. I believe that is what they are doing with the clan system.

(wolfnemesis75) #6

That’s a cool thought. But, they were always planning to have a Clan System, according to the website, and it may have been part of fulfilling their contract. Its cool that the clan tag shows up with gammer tag. We had fun with it last night.

(gold163) #7

Would be nice for them to admit at one point that they botched Brink and plan to make a better game next time. Well, it wouldn’t be nice, but at least it would be better than them remaining completely silent and leaving us to have the impression that they’re close to shutting down or that they plan to keep on supporting Brink.

(bluefoot) #8

There will be future updates - I’m certain of it.

News discusses the new features as ‘beta’ and the stats site as a beta (which I’m glad about, as it still doesn’t work!).

(nephandys) #9

After AoC I believe SD made it pretty clear there will be no more updates (except the Clan Update for all and PC weapon tweaks). When they discussed the process of doing the weapon tweaks they stated that every one except a handful of team members have moved on to their new project. So unless Bethesda is having an off day at some point and decides to toss SD some money for more Brink (1) development sadly the answer is no/not coming to all your questions.

I guess another alternative would be to continue to have that handful of people slaving over Brink and in that case the answer to some of your questions might be yes, but you won’t see them for 6 months to a year by which point I doubt anyone will be left playing. (Just stating facts with that not saying Brink is good or bad).

(aviynw) #10

You have a specific source for that? thanks.

(donmichelangelo) #11

If that was less or more the last “bigger” update then i dont understand all the effort by SD in the previous weeks and especially the 6€ steam sale. “Let’s sell the game nearly for 0€ before we stop supporting the game…”

That doesnt make sense… maybe we will get an xmas special addon/dlc, who knows…
I wouldnt also mind a free map pack, containing two new maps for all the suffering…

(nephandys) #12

lol that’s the problem with being an avid forum follower. At one point I was here every day reading through every bit of information possible. Those posts were from months ago back when I was here daily and even then the threads they were in were sometimes 100s of pages long.

I remember there was a post discussing how tweaks were going and how the Rhett was turned into a death ray. Pretty sure in that thread they talk about how there’s only a handful of them working on it.

I wish I could give you better sources =( Personally I’d love to see more Brink content and I wish the weapon tweaks would come to consoles. I don’t think it’s ever going to happen though.

*I found something I had on my own forums from the Ask Rahdo thread but it’s only a tiny piece of what you’re looking for (that thread is a wealth of info though if you read his answers to players):
"…2) When is the next piece of dlc coming along…

Answer c/o Rahdo:
And for question #2, that’s up to Bethesda. If they want to pay for it to be developed (it costs hundreds of thousands of pounds to do this), then we want to make it…"

(aviynw) #13

[QUOTE=donmichelangelo;387538]If that was less or more the last “bigger” update then i dont understand all the effort by SD in the previous weeks and especially the 6€ steam sale. “Let’s sell the game nearly for 0€ before we stop supporting the game…”
Makes sense to me if they are trying to squeeze as much money out of it as they can. People probably weren’t buying it for $20.

(nephandys) #14

[QUOTE=donmichelangelo;387538]If that was less or more the last “bigger” update then i dont understand all the effort by SD in the previous weeks and especially the 6€ steam sale. “Let’s sell the game nearly for 0€ before we stop supporting the game…”

That doesnt make sense… maybe we will get an xmas special addon/dlc, who knows…
I wouldnt also mind a free map pack, containing two new maps for all the suffering…[/QUOTE]
SD isn’t exactly known for having the greatest sense in the world. Maybe they truly believe the weapon tweaks and clan updates are enough to draw people back into the game after the free weekend. But then again, it also didn’t make sense when they made a shooter where you couldn’t hit what you aim for:

(aviynw) #15

[QUOTE=nephandys;387542]lol that’s the problem with being an avid forum follower. At one point I was here every day reading through every bit of information possible. Those posts were from months ago back when I was here daily and even then the threads they were in were sometimes 100s of pages long.
Know how you feel. All those 100 page threads made my head hurt. I think I read most of Rhados thread. I remember that being an excruciating process, but it did provide some good info, :).

(donmichelangelo) #16

touche, this could be also possible but i just dont hope that.
btw, Brink the complete pack is now available for 23.99€ at steam…

Well, i also cant take this game serious if the characters have noses with weird proportions, actually nothing is normal in this game but i like this setting/background story and the places of brink :tongue:

(tangoliber) #17

They never said that these patches would be the last…but most of us on the forums assumed that they probably would be the final update. I believe it was the final update myself, but there were no hints or official word that I can remember.

(Sanch3z) #18

I dont get why it would cost that much money to make more DLC. I have been an Unreal Tournament modder for a long time now, doing maps and mods for free. You could have one guy working on a couple new maps and it shouldnt cost anywhere near “hundreds of thousands of pounds”.

(aviynw) #19

I don’t see why they wouldn’t released an sdk even if it’s half baked. Its better than nothing. Maybe they would be worried that bad mods would make a bad name for a game…but it can’t get worse than it already is…They obviously have something use-able, they were able to make the game after all. I just don’t see the downsides.

(Kendle) #20

Radho, Splash Damage creative director, has stated that it would cost 100’s of 1,000’s of pounds to produce an SDK. It’s in this epic thread somewhere :-

By all means choose not to believe him but I don’t think a director of the company would lie on a public forum.