Anyone heard of goPlay before? (And a small warning for Splash Damage.)

(DankBeretField) #1

Okay, from whatt I know, goPlay is a Vietnamese-based game publishing company. They loves to publish free games, like Crossfire (a dead game), Warface (cool game, but the Vietnamese version ruined it), and potentially, Dirty Bomb (DA BEST GAEM IN DA WORLD! At least, MY best game).

Now, if Splash Damage cooperate with goPlay, it MIGHT boost Dirty Bomb popularity, give it a SLIGHT advantage against rival games, like Overwatch, CS:GO, and more. But, it"s going to be ugly for the DB fanbase. Because, the Vietnamese gamers are the last thing to destroy Dirty Bomb. Why? Sir/Miss, it is important for you to remember the cancerness of them. They, Sir/Miss are sniper idiots, Communist symphathizers, COD kids, and MOBA a$$hole. They got too much League Of Legends’ juice around them to make DB erode. It also MIGHT compromise the Splash-Nexon Contract (if there is one), which is also ugly.

But it doesn’t mean that all Vietnamese gamers are bad. Examples? Me. Seriously, my aiming is bad, so I never play as a sniper, but as a medic, a dumb minemonkey, and a clueless Sky (This is why I hate Sparks, tho). And so does a number of other gamers. Even my cousin, which is better at aimming than I am, loves playing Aura.

But some others are bad. Most of them is playing goPlay’s ‘contents’.

My conclusion? Don’t listen to goPlay’s lies, Splash.

And @stayfreshshoe , @MissMurder , @RazielWarmonic and others? Just spread the word.