Another Phantom Thread


Why not make Phantom completely invisible if he’s crouching 5m near a friendly deployable, and make his EMP an actual grenade? We can buff Bushwhacker this way, and Aura would stay the same because Rhino’s a better choice on a health station.

We could still use the shimmering texture Phantom has when he uses a weapon, which lasts for twice the amount of time that said weapon’s fire delay would be, but scales appropriately.

I know that this seems like a weird rework (making something that doesn’t alter base stats a passive/triggered ability) but I think this could work. It makes him able to switch in and out of cloak quick enough to be dangerous as a defensive class, and gives him an offensive ability.

(GatoCommodore) #2

@JJMAJR said:
Why not make Phantom completely invisible if he’s crouching 5m near a friendly deployable, and make his EMP an actual grenade? We can buff Bushwhacker this way, and Aura would stay the same because Rhino’s a better choice on a health station.

We could still use the shimmering texture Phantom has when he uses a weapon, which lasts for twice the amount of time that said weapon’s fire delay would be, but scales appropriately.

I know that this seems like a weird rework (making something that doesn’t alter base stats a passive/triggered ability) but I think this could work. It makes him able to switch in and out of cloak quick enough to be dangerous as a defensive class, and gives him an offensive ability.

with guardian coming in the next patch i think emp grenade phantom would be too good.
at least with phantom right now he need to coordinate with the team to be able to disable aura nest

(GabebutGood) #3

@GatoCommodore said:

@JJMAJR said:
Why not make Phantom completely invisible if he’s crouching 5m near a friendly deployable, and make his EMP an actual grenade? We can buff Bushwhacker this way, and Aura would stay the same because Rhino’s a better choice on a health station.

We could still use the shimmering texture Phantom has when he uses a weapon, which lasts for twice the amount of time that said weapon’s fire delay would be, but scales appropriately.

I know that this seems like a weird rework (making something that doesn’t alter base stats a passive/triggered ability) but I think this could work. It makes him able to switch in and out of cloak quick enough to be dangerous as a defensive class, and gives him an offensive ability.

with guardian coming in the next patch i think emp grenade phantom would be too good.
at least with phantom right now he need to coordinate with the team to be able to disable aura nest

I don’t know about that, I think phantom running into the aura nest would really only result in dieing even if crouch walking because of how his cloak works currently. I am imagining the emp nade doesnt destroy gadgets but disables for the time of a skyhammer airstrike to go off, I suggest this because the game should not encourage staying in one spot so if you phantom throws his nade they are still able to pick up the gadgets and retreat. The nade however should have a fuze time of maybe 1.5 or 1.25 seconds to give them warning.