All current ET mapping projects

(Flash95) #21

I have started a campain of three maps all centered around the "Farm Hall transcripts " these were heavy water experiments and a major part of the axis atomic bomb plans.

map 1 raid axis labs and recover papers.

map 2 infilteate air port and steal plane
(if allies loose first map an extra gate has been closed to slow them down or plane damaged and must be repaired before it can be flown out)

map 3 navigate from destination airport to radio tower to transmit reports
(if allies loose second map an extra gate has been closed to slow them down or radio damaged and must be repaired before it can be used)

first map is in alpha phase now

(Captain Canuck) #22

name: operation Barbarossa
maps in the campiegn: 3
campiagn description: the russian front.
author:wolfy design

map descriptions: the first of the three maps will be a ukranian villiage on the border. the second will be a city (based on keiv). the third will be stalingrad.

this is a group effort by wolfy design i’m leading the design of the maps and the boys down here at wolfy are makeing it happen hopefully working together we’ll make a good campiagn.

and good luck on your guys maps.


(Pog'S) #23

As I explained in my thread :

This would be cool to have a unique site and a coordinate effort onmaps for ET rather then dispersed unefficient projects.

We could share objects, textures, scripts… rather than working all alone in our lairs.

(Marko) #24

I’d like to take a few guys on with me. Especially guys skilled with scripting.
I’m working on a D DAY map pack now with 3 maps… mainly conversions because I’m lacknig time to map but I’m planning total conversion this time which mean 100% ET with constructible stuff and moving vehicles

(Pog'S) #25

Danyboy is making a DDay campaign already. You’d better team up with him. One very good Dday campaign is better than 2 or more average ones :wink:

(Marko) #26

I’ll try to get in touch of him later on today :bump: thx for the info :smiley:

(RivrStyx) #27

Resurrection Campaign.
Converting my RTCW Resurrection map over to ET and adding some of the ET goodies. Then will do related maps to finish the Resurrection campaign.

Will probably release them one at a time (at least the original Resurrection map and possibly wait to release the other 2) as 3 maps could take a long while. Then once the last is finished …the campaign will be done if wanted to use that way.

screenshots of resurrection here that will be converted

(tubbie) #28

Map name: V1 Rocket
Map description: Allies have to steal a v1 rocket, escort it into an axis base and launch it heading towards berlin…

Map objectives:

0: (main obj) escort the truck with the v1 rocket to the launch site.
1: Build a command post
2: build a bridge
3: Capture the depot yard
4: steal the fuel for the rocket
5: launch the rocket

The map will be a mix between fueldump and railgun, hope to have some screenshots up soon…

(Segbroek) #29

The and and only n00b mapping company :banana:


(mystman666) #30

Name: I’m really bad I names so haven’t though of that yet :stuck_out_tongue:
Setting: dutch/german border area.

Short description: A small german stronghold prevents allied shipping over a nearby canal: cannons hurt. The german stronghold is currently being reinforced over the Autobahn (highways hitler contructed). The autobahn is sturdy, but has a weak spot that can be dynamited. Reinforcements will then arive via the canal itself. Allies can blow the harbor-thingies, which will secure the area and open the canal for shipping.

objectives for allies: blow autobahn weakspot. This will cause axis spawn to move back.
Build airdrop-guidance-lights. This will give allies a forward spawn
Blow Harbor-thingies. An alternate route through an underground tunnel (which begins IN the axis spawn…) is possible.
Both the weakspot and the harbor-thingies must be blown in order to win.

other ET-stuff: Buildable ladder that makes approaching autobahn weakspot easier (the other route goes over the axis spawn)
CMD post in underground bunker that can be build by both sides.
Constructible/destructible ammo and health cabinets (ala the ammo and health cabinets near main allied spawn on fuel dump?)

current status: still in the early stages… map making is difficult :stuck_out_tongue: Axis spawn, autobahn, some land, and parts of underground netword have been build. Still haven’t completely figured out how to make contructible/destructible things…

(Pog'S) #31

Hi all,

My friends and I (we are one mapper, one modeler and one Game Designer/Texturer), are working on a ET campaign project.
But we would need additional mappers, modelers and texturers to help us out.

Below is a description of our campaign :

3 Map Campaign

This campaign is based on true events. The maps used are real maps and i tried to be the most accurate possible according to historical facts.

Setting :
The aim of this commando Raid was to destroy Saint Nazaire Dry Dock, the only dock large enough on the atlantic coast able to repair the German super-battleship ‘Tirpitz’.
The plan was simple but really risky : approach the dock with a “german disguised” Destroyer, full of explosives and ram the outer gate of the dry dock while commandos storm ashore to do as much damage as they can.

Map 1 : Power Station

Allies Objectives :Dynamite the Power Station to slow down german reinforcement.

Secondary objectives :
1- Take control of the lighthouse to set the respawn point at this location.
2- Take control of the advanced Axis Spawn Point (1)
3- Dynamite the 2 bridges leading to the other side of the lock

Starting Spawn Points

Allies :
Allies spawn on boats. 2 separate attack points have been planned :

  • end of the avant port dock
  • small dock near the lighthouse

Axis :
Axis Spawn in the heart of the old town.
If the building is captured by Allies, Axis players respawn accross the lock.

Map 2 : Dry Dock

Allies Objectives
Dynamite the Gate Machineries (2) and the Fuel Stores to disable the dry dock.

Secondary objectives :
1- Take control of the advanced Axis Spawn Point (1)

Starting Spawn Points :

Allies :
Allies spawn on the other side of the facility. They have to cross a lock bridge.
Lock bridges can be crossed :

  • on the road on top of it
  • inside the bridge in a maintenance corridor
  • along it on a system of ramps and ladders

Axis :
Axis Spawn in the Harbour Control Building.
If the building is captured by Allies, Axis players respawn there.
Axis have to either respawn at Point 2a or 2b

Map 3 : U-Boat Pens

Allies Objectives
Dynamite the Railroad station
Dynamite all U-boats (4) but one to escape with

Starting Spawn Points
Allies : Allies spawn on the other side of the facility. They have to cross a lock bridge.
Lock bridges can be crossed :

  • on the road on top of it
  • inside the bridge in a maintenance corridor
  • along it on a system of ramps and ladders

Axis : Axis Spawn in the Commandantur.

Come and join us at

(BXpress) #32

Remagen -Project
always newest shots:
my HP with infos about me:

PS: :moo:

(SaBBeS) #33

Wow Pog’s I’m really looking forward to see something of your campaign. I hope you can get enough mappers, because it would be great if this campaign could be realized. You explained everything well with objectives and pictures. :drink:

(SmeTskE) #34

so do i think, but, i don’t think i would be a good mapper to make SUCH maps, really looking forward :clap: :beer: :drink: :cool:

(Menzel) #35

Mapname: Wacht am Rhein
Map Location: Semi-destroyed village in the Ardennes forest (battle of the bulge)

Map description: Axis must escort a tank through the forest and into the village, destroy the church gates and dyno the allied command center inside.

The map is still in the very early stages so no screenshots yet.

(Prophesy) #36

Map name: Palace Gold!
Mapper: Prophesy

Map description: As the war in the desert is nearing its end, the victorious brittish army is preparing for the final assualt on the last axis strongholds on the coast of Tunisia. In the harbour town of Alaya lies a palace once said to have been the home of legendary pirate Khairredin, also known as Barbarossa. It is in this palace the axis are storing large amounts of gold, waiting to be shipped to Italy. The axis have blown most of the bridges connecting the palace to the city.

Map objectives:

  1. Break through the axis line of defense in the central parts of town to steal a boat.
  2. Escort the boat to the palace through a series of canals. (Except for 1 axis team door where allies cov ops can access) the palace will only be accessible when the boat is in place.
  3. Steal the gold and bring it to a second boat located at the end of a long pier.


  1. Defend the central defense line of town. Dont let the allies reach the boat.
  2. Prevent the allies from bringing the boat to the palace main entrance.
  3. Protect the gold at all cost.

(Thej) #37

Hi peeps, we updated our site with some new piccies from the map.

We hope u like em :smiley:

(Kobis) #38

Hello all! I also have a campaign currently in production:

UK Defense (thats the temporary name of it, and the map names are also temporary)

Map 1: Shipyard- Just as it sounds, an Allied shipyard that the axis are trying to disrupt.
Map 2: Radar- The Axis must destroy the English radar system to allow their bombers a pass into England.
Map 3: TBA (if you have any ideas just email us at

Our Website: in production
Mappers: Kobis and Mattias

I think thats about it, cheers to all the mappers :drink:

(SuperC) #39

map: vehiculewarehouse

my first map :smiley: FAr from done but ill finish whatever it takes

(Chis) #40

I’m in the very early stages of a map. It’s based on an old fort in Puerto Rico, El Moro. I’ve changed the layout for what I think will be good gameplay and have planed(but not implemented) the objectives.

What do you think of using a theme for an ET map that isn’t in Europe?

Anyway here are the screen shots of what I have so far. (Remember early stage of the map)

So what do you think?