AI March


hi people.

really thankful for your helf on my earlier post.

just with that…does always the ai need a script to march.

hasnt the editor has some script in it. that shall work.

please help.

One more thing if we overlap brushes like two walls ends are above each other…does the engine give it a error…cause later when we play the game real prob. man.

Door dont light.

please help.

this is my work till now. let me know about it.

(Enforcer) #2

pretty kewl pics. The red error text you get means that you havent made any x_b0.aas or b1.aas files. once you make those the red text errors will go away.

Overlapping brushes do not make text errors. They will mess up how walls look if you have a cross secting brush example

note: you dont always have to be firing to see it. And notice i have the aas error. Becuase i didnt compile the aas files.

The ai march always needs a script for it to work. THe editor doesnt have a script maker to my knowledge.

If a door doesnt light you can try putting a light near it. or you can give it a key/number “light” “15” if its too bright tunr the number down.


thanks for the reply.

I am grateful that you liked my work a lot.

Yeah i know about the aas error lol. Got a good tutorial from Tram and Suface about it.

Yeah thanks for the help about the Overlaping prob.

This message for “Leafs” troubles a lot. Think it comes when you leave a gap. Can you tell me about it. When you play…at some places it shows hellll blank things and you get stuck up in those. A real bugging bug :bash: .

will check out about the door thing. thanks for that enforcer.

(Enforcer) #4

:smiley: NP glad to help. The leafs thing i dont know ill find something on it tho.

(Enforcer) #5

can you get me a pick so i can lok at it