After Game Popup

(Thor) #1

I think it’s cool that after a game you get that popup mentioning who did well and such. My problem is that you are always taken to your barracks after each and every game. Every game I hit the X and close out the popup and every game I’m dropped into my barracks and left having to hit back, play games, play online and reload my game list. When you have a long list of games awaiting your turn and you have to get back into the game list from your barracks, well it gets old really quick.

(Crozzton) #2

Yes. Pls. remove that again. Annoying as hell tbh.

(Catnadian) #3

I’m not too bothered by it, just would appreciate a little variation in stats tracked and messages/suggestions.

Oh yeah and back to the match screen unless you specifically hit the little barracks button of course but that just feels like a bug not a feature

(Thor) #4

So, it’s better than before, less ‘clicks’ to get back to your games but it’s still an annoyance. The default process after coming out of a game should be to view your other games, not dump you into your barracks. I get that you guys are trying to make money from game purchases but pushing it on someone after every single game turn is not the way to go about it. Give the option to jump to your barracks but don’t force me there. The process of playing matches should be streamlined and it’s not.