After Double Drop Week Event, whats next?

(Porkchopiya) #1

after double drop week for cases and augments whats next update, is it Crafting Weekend?

(GatoCommodore) #2

@Porkchopiya said:
after double drop week for cases and augments whats next update, is it Crafting Weekend?

hopefully, i wanna make hunter’s bronzes

(Press E) #3

We probably won’t see another crafting week until whatever the loadout system changes SD mentioned come out. If they started one now, I can imagine them getting a lot of backlash from people who spent a billion dollars getting a cobalt only to realize they should have waited until after the update.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see a “crafting week” or whatever the post-update equivalent will be after the update though.

But well, you know how SD is. Secretive and unpredictable.

(Shenaynays) #4

@GatoCommodore said:
hopefully, i wanna make hunter’s bronzes

You absolute mad man. I wish I was as risky as you oof


(Porkchopiya) #5

OMG! Boring Weekend… is there any update this day?