About the Trading Post category

(Nils Strand) #1

Got an item to trade or looking for something rare? Ask here.

(V E G A) #2

LF Fel-IX or hollunds 880 skins

I got:
gold axe, bronze axe, beckhill batoons and ulu, sliver beackhill.

corsec: timik prestine and hoigat worn
KMA: smg9 scarred, kek-10 scared, hollunds scared and DE.50 standard
Alice: smjuth standard
royal force: hurstall 2k scarred, ahnuhld-12 scarred
aquila: selbstant scarred
nuclear winter: M4A1 and smg 9
Contrabanned: timik

(DB Genome editor) #3

I don’t have much in terms of Fel-IX (Scarred Bronze CoreSEC) or Hollunds (Standard Bronze KMA), but I would be interested in your DE.50 and your Ahnuhld-12 if you find something that suits you in my inventory: My wish list