About the possible cheater, Mamon/ARC./SAMMER

(Blue_Wolf) #21

Well kloud, I know exactly what you are talking about haha. I played as GDF sniper many times against him as railgun. Doing this juping trick he is almost unbeatable. I’m not a shabby sniper myself, but during games where I had mainly long range sniper duels against him, I often manage to kill him like only twice the whole game. He jumps from behind cover so that barely a few pixels of his body are visisble xD. If he doesn’t cheat, at least he must have found out some kind of mouse technique with his high-as-hell sensitivity. Specced him many times, he barely makes wasted movement, has insane awareness of where enemies are. He should go become CS:GO pro lol, he can make some money out of that x)