Nerfing explosive mercs would be better
In the end, it’s better to make the mercs work how they should, instead of forcing players into specific cards to make the game work how it should.
Nader doesn’t need 5 nades, cut it down to 3 max and increase the cooldown per nade by a second or two at most
Fragger is in a good spot, but we need merc limits to limit 1 per team
Fletcher has always been an OP mess, I have no idea how to fix him. Higher cooldown per sticky? Less damage all around?
SkyHaggis is fine
Arty needs either a longer cooldown per artillery strike or cut off at one artillery strike (like Fragger nades)
Javelin’s rocket cooldown needs to be 40 seconds minimum. I forget what it is right now.
Proxy is fine, even weak, no matter how many people complain. Especially with team damage on.
All in all, explosives should be tactical. Weak explosives that need multiple direct hits to kill, or require a condition to explode (like proxy mines), should be available every spawn wave. Strong explosives that kill in one hit should be available once every 2 spawn waves at minimum. Air strike explosives are a little unique in that they need to be available with enough frequency to counter the EV competitively, but infrequent enough to not be spammable.
But the core concept is the same and I agree, explosives should be there to weaken players to make gun play more interesting, to disable machines, and shouldn’t be core killing weapons.