About the augment: Unshakable

(K1X455) #1

With 7 of 23 mercs that can deliver explosive damage (not counting Kira, Thunder and Stoker), how would the community feel if it get buffed to 30% instead of keeping it at 15%?

I know this is another nerf to Nader and Fragger, but… shouldn’t all the explosive nerfs be rolled back and buff the augment instead for diversity?

(woodchip) #2

Maybe 20%. I don’t think there’s any reason to go straight to 30%, which might feel kind of brutal for explosive based classes.

(GatoCommodore) #3

@woodchip said:
Maybe 20%. I don’t think there’s any reason to go straight to 30%, which might feel kind of brutal for explosive based classes.

i dont know about you but explosive spam is a thing nobody likes
even the explosive spammers themselves

(woodchip) #4

Fragger not 1 shotting 120 HP with this would make it too good I think.

(Press E) #5

One of the things SD’s been trying to do with perks, and rightly so, is make them useful, but not so useful that they’re pretty much an absolute requirement, like spark’s famous 383 card.
As it is, unshakeable is pretty much essential if you want to play aura. Buffing it would mean you’d see a lot less diversity in card choices.

You’d be better off just nerfing explosive mercs (they’re all still top-tier mercs, especially fragger. And with all the direct and indirect nerfs low HP mercs have gotten lately, I can’t say I’d mind it), or better yet, buffing the mercs that explosive spam is an issue with.
Maybe I’m a bit biased being an Aura main and all, but the HP reduction and cooldown pickup increase to the medstation is just painful when the enemy team has two fraggers and a nader. And that’s when your not already having to worry about all the phantoms and hunters.

(GatoCommodore) #6

One of the things SD’s been trying to do with perks, and rightly so, is make them useful, but not so useful that they’re pretty much an absolute requirement, like spark’s famous 383 card.
As it is, unshakeable is pretty much essential if you want to play aura. Buffing it would mean you’d see a lot less diversity in card choices.

You’d be better off just nerfing explosive mercs (they’re all still top-tier mercs, especially fragger. And with all the direct and indirect nerfs low HP mercs have gotten lately, I can’t say I’d mind it), or better yet, buffing the mercs that explosive spam is an issue with.
Maybe I’m a bit biased being an Aura main and all, but the HP reduction and cooldown pickup increase to the medstation is just painful when the enemy team has two fraggers and a nader. And that’s when your not already having to worry about all the phantoms and hunters.

deployable mercs got power creeped…

(GatoCommodore) #7

One of the things SD’s been trying to do with perks, and rightly so, is make them useful, but not so useful that they’re pretty much an absolute requirement, like spark’s famous 383 card.
As it is, unshakeable is pretty much essential if you want to play aura. Buffing it would mean you’d see a lot less diversity in card choices.

You’d be better off just nerfing explosive mercs (they’re all still top-tier mercs, especially fragger. And with all the direct and indirect nerfs low HP mercs have gotten lately, I can’t say I’d mind it), or better yet, buffing the mercs that explosive spam is an issue with.
Maybe I’m a bit biased being an Aura main and all, but the HP reduction and cooldown pickup increase to the medstation is just painful when the enemy team has two fraggers and a nader. And that’s when your not already having to worry about all the phantoms and hunters.

deployable mercs got power creeped…

(K1X455) #8

Think about it. 30% is still small to make a difference considering the explosive spam phenomenon.

(SiwaonaDaphnewen) #9

Unshakable already lets you to survive certain explosives with certain mercs which is super usefull already. I don’t think it should be buffed especially as much because it affects load out balance and merc balance a lot.

Load out balance
There are other anti-explosive augments: guardian angel and fail safe. These are much more situational which means they need bigger explosive resistance to keep up with Unshakable.

Merc balance

It would surely affect many explosive mercs. But it would really hurt Fragger and Proxy.

150*0.7=105. Practicly the Skyhammer’s marker damage. And that’s not the epic assaulting abilitty without actuall air strike. Neither Proxy nor Fragger need such nerfs.

On other hand explosives are often used to take out Rhino nest. No need to make Rhino stronger for nest defence situations so as no need to make his Unshakable load outs even more desireble.

So no those 15% difference actually matter a lot.

Explosive balance is kinda controversial. When i was in army i was taught to keep at least 4-5m distance from others so “only one gets killed by a grenade”. Real grenades and mines are much more deadly and powerfull, but DB sacrificed this part of realism for sake of fun. Yet eating nade or stepping on a mine is not something you should be able to survive.

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #10

I think 20% is fair, since explosive spam is no fun for anyone. As a Fletcher main, though, nothing pisses me off more than not killing a Proxy when I stick her.

(frostyvampire) #11

Augments are supposed to be good and affect gameplay, but they shouldn’t be mandatory. If they buffed it to 30%, you will pretty much be forced to use a card with unshakeable available to counter explosives.

15% is really good and allows you to survive explosions that would otherwise kill you, but it’s still not OP and you can do fine without it. It wouldn’t be the case with 30% though.

If there is an OP explosion ability, they should just nerf that merc and not buff the augment (ehem… Nader…)

(LifeupOmega) #12

Rhino doesn’t need to eat even more damage.

(Sorotia) #13

@K1X455 said:
With 7 of 23 mercs that can deliver explosive damage (not counting Kira, Thunder and Stoker), how would the community feel if it get buffed to 30% instead of keeping it at 15%?

I know this is another nerf to Nader and Fragger, but… shouldn’t all the explosive nerfs be rolled back and buff the augment instead for diversity?

But that would just make the augment more required and screw anyone who doesn’t have it…I’d rather choose the card I want for the weapon selection than have to almost feel forced to choose a card for a specific augment.

(Szakalot) #14

unshakeable used to be something like 25% damage reduction, making it an obligatory pick whenever possible.
30% is a very, very significant damage reduction, if that applied to all damage, then as people pointed out; a 110hp merc would have effective 150hp+ hp

(K1X455) #15

30% damage reduction from explosives will force players with explosive abilities to compliment their explosive with gun play. You need to look at it from a gun play perspective so abilities won’t be used as a crutch.

Players that don’t have the augment can choose not to be where the explosions will happen or use movement to their advantage to outrun the explosive radius. It doesn’t take a genius to think about that.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #16

Explosions are meant to do high damage and are a good way for unskilled players who enjoy the game have a chance vs pro players. You nerf the poor noobs and bad aimers, they’re going to play less after getting stomped by pros.

(bgyoshi) #17

Nerfing explosive mercs would be better

In the end, it’s better to make the mercs work how they should, instead of forcing players into specific cards to make the game work how it should.

Nader doesn’t need 5 nades, cut it down to 3 max and increase the cooldown per nade by a second or two at most
Fragger is in a good spot, but we need merc limits to limit 1 per team
Fletcher has always been an OP mess, I have no idea how to fix him. Higher cooldown per sticky? Less damage all around?
SkyHaggis is fine
Arty needs either a longer cooldown per artillery strike or cut off at one artillery strike (like Fragger nades)
Javelin’s rocket cooldown needs to be 40 seconds minimum. I forget what it is right now.
Proxy is fine, even weak, no matter how many people complain. Especially with team damage on.

All in all, explosives should be tactical. Weak explosives that need multiple direct hits to kill, or require a condition to explode (like proxy mines), should be available every spawn wave. Strong explosives that kill in one hit should be available once every 2 spawn waves at minimum. Air strike explosives are a little unique in that they need to be available with enough frequency to counter the EV competitively, but infrequent enough to not be spammable.

But the core concept is the same and I agree, explosives should be there to weaken players to make gun play more interesting, to disable machines, and shouldn’t be core killing weapons.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #18

You do realize explosives are far more dangerous than bullets in real life? O.o

(Sorotia) #19

@“Mr.Cuddlesworth” said:
You do realize explosives are far more dangerous than bullets in real life? O.o

You do realize if this were real life all it would take is one bullet from any gun to kill someone?

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #20

@Sorotia said:

@“Mr.Cuddlesworth” said:
You do realize explosives are far more dangerous than bullets in real life? O.o

You do realize if this were real life all it would take is one bullet from any gun to kill someone?

There are survivors of gunshot wounds, not always one bullet…but a nade to the face…