(Again, same as my last thread about Beta specialties, this has been discussed but I want to see it go further.)
So, will Dirty Bomb ever get a change in soundtrack? Sure, I love being on Terminal with a C4 planted and 5 seconds left and hear the badass drums in the back, but hearing that on another map (I forgot which one :neutral: ) makes it seem less… intense. I would love to see a separate Briefing and Climax theme for each current and upcoming maps. For example, Underground (Redux), Chapel, and Terminal (Redux) can keep their current themes, because those given briefings and climaxes fit the best in those maps. However, I feel a map like Castle should open with the briefing with a really menacing tone, really hit the drums. And when time’s running scarce, those drums come back and your heart just goes insane. I feel that any change in soundtrack is a huge deal because music can drastically change the way you play.
Now, I really don’t care for a change in the menu theme, maybe a new one or two, but the menu, to me, isn’t a huge priority. Rather’d get that sick bass when running into an aura nest on Castle
(Really hope a dev can respond with their thoughts on this)