AAS compiling "WARNING: no entities inside **** leaked

(Enforcer) #1

I’m working a sp map pack. High quality non the less. And im having a odd error ive never gotten when compiling bspc before

BSPC version 2.1c by Mr Elusive
GtkRadiant 1.2.1-nightly Jan 13 2002
threads = 1
using cfg file aascfg_sm.c
optimize = true
bsp2aas: ..\main\maps\aicompile.bsp to ..\main\maps\aicompile_b0.aas
-- Q3_LoadMapFromBSP --
Loading map from ..\main\maps\aicompile.bsp...
creating planar surface planes...
searching visible brush sides...
0 brush sides0 brush sides textured out of 36
-------- Brush CSG ---------
12 original brushes
12 output brushes
-------- Brush BSP ---------
12 brushes
0 visible faces
0 nonvisible faces
72 total sides
Win32 multi-threading
1 threads max
depth first bsp building
1 splits
14 KB of peak total bsp memory
BSP tree created in 0 seconds
------- Prune Nodes --------
0 pruned nodes
---- Node Portalization ----

1 nodes portalized
0 tiny portals
0 KB of portal memory
7 KB of winding memory
------ FloodEntities -------
WARNING: no entities inside
**** leaked ****

Why is it leaking. I have no leak errors in my map what so ever. Can someone help or share with me how to fix this.

(Enforcer) #2

Come on can someone help me please!

(Detoeni) #3

Look here:


(Enforcer) #4

nope doesnt help. I even remade a map

i made a box put a player start in there, ai monster, light inthe the middle of the level. Compiled fine

aas and it says the same thing.

(kat) #5

I’m guessing you’re using q3map2 and not q3map. If this is the case then you more than likely do have a hole in your map as unlike q3map, q3map2 will do a full compile on a leaked map without showing the red ‘leak line’, q3map won’t. Double check everything.

Have you used any shaders that use ‘nosolid’ in them… if you’ve placed that on a wall it’ll leak (iirc…!?)

(Enforcer) #6

K I’ve been trying to figure out how to get my map to compile using q3map, with no sucess. can anyone push me in the right direction.

i had something like:

C:\Progra~1\Return~1\Radiant\q3map "C:\Progra~1\Return~1\main\maps	est.map" >>"C:\Progra~1\Return~1\Radiant\junk.txt"

C:\Progra~1\Return~1\Radiant\q3map "C:\Progra~1\Return~1\main\maps	est.map" -vis  >>"C:\Progra~1\Return~1\Radiant\junk.txt"

C:\Progra~1\Return~1\Radiant\q3map "C:\Progra~1\Return~1\main\maps	est.map" -light -extra >>"C:\Progra~1\Return~1\Radiant\junk.txt"

Its something like that, im at work right now so i dont have the exact code in the bat file. It doesnt seem right some how can someone help. I would like to start testing my ai in game.

(Enforcer) #7

Thx for the help i got it to work. after a few try’s.

(kat) #8

you know what’s quite ironic… I think this is what’s causing my problems atm with an SP map… BSP compiles fine (all the versions of q3map2 I’ve tried have compiled without error) but BSPC and creating an aas map reveals the same error you just posted above…

how did you solve your problem?? Did you just compile with q3map instead of q3map2…???

(Enforcer) #9

i made a post in the q3map2 area and “The5thHorsemen” responded and said that i needed to put a -forcesidesvisible in the aas.bat file where the %extraparms% is.

bspc -threads 1 -ext _b0 -cfg aascfg_sm.c -bsp2aas ..\main\maps\%1.bsp -output ..\main\maps %extraparms% 
copy bspc.log temp_b0.log 

bspc -threads 1 -ext _b1 -cfg aascfg_lg.c -bsp2aas ..\main\maps\%1.bsp -output ..\main\maps %extraparms% 
copy bspc.log temp_b1.log 

i also put in -optimize inthere as well. And it worked i was so excited.

(TFate) #10


I’m trying to get .aas files for my little test WolfSP map.

I’m using q3map2toolz with the normal option for the BSPC compile selected… when I hit Run BSPC everything runs as usual, but when I go to check the Main/maps directory there are no .aas files. When I open the log I see this error twice:

WARNING: no entities inside
ERROR: **** leaked ****

I can’t find any leaks of any sort in the map. I even covered the walls, ceilings, and floors with Clip Monster but that didn’t work. Does anyone know exactly what this error means and how/if it can be fixed within the .map itself?

(kat) #11

That’s an ‘entity leak’ error. It basically mean you have a broken entity in the map somewhere. Looks for models, lights and other entities that have their origin points burried in brushwork (‘structural’ flagged surfaces). Map entities can’t be burried past their midpoint same goes for models all though it’s the little wire box you have to watch.

(TFate) #12

Now all my brushes are detail except for a hollow caulk box around the whole map (it’s not very large) and the error still occurs. I tried selecting the map manually (luckily it’s not large) and pasting it into a new mapfile to see if there’s an entity floating in some remote location, but there wasn’t… the error still occurs. :s

EDIT: Deleted all models, weapons, and lights and raised info_player_start and ai_soldiers off the ground by 8 units and I still get the error. :disgust:

EDIT2: I don’t understand any of this .bat file stuff. How did Enforcer do it? Did he use q3map2 just for the BSPC or did he compile BSP with light and vis using q3map as well?

(kat) #13

BSPC is compiled on it’s own using BSPC.exe. You can either do it using a front end (like WolfToolz I beleave) or more commonly from the command line (DOS prompt box).

As for your problem, make sure the caulk hull isn’t leaking itself or that you have a func_[xxxx] brushwork out in the void, you may have missed something obvious in trying to find out what’s going on here.