I’m working a sp map pack. High quality non the less. And im having a odd error ive never gotten when compiling bspc before
BSPC version 2.1c by Mr Elusive
GtkRadiant 1.2.1-nightly Jan 13 2002
threads = 1
using cfg file aascfg_sm.c
optimize = true
bsp2aas: ..\main\maps\aicompile.bsp to ..\main\maps\aicompile_b0.aas
-- Q3_LoadMapFromBSP --
Loading map from ..\main\maps\aicompile.bsp...
creating planar surface planes...
searching visible brush sides...
0 brush sides0 brush sides textured out of 36
-------- Brush CSG ---------
12 original brushes
12 output brushes
-------- Brush BSP ---------
12 brushes
0 visible faces
0 nonvisible faces
72 total sides
Win32 multi-threading
1 threads max
depth first bsp building
1 splits
14 KB of peak total bsp memory
BSP tree created in 0 seconds
------- Prune Nodes --------
0 pruned nodes
---- Node Portalization ----
1 nodes portalized
0 tiny portals
0 KB of portal memory
7 KB of winding memory
------ FloodEntities -------
WARNING: no entities inside
**** leaked ****
Why is it leaking. I have no leak errors in my map what so ever. Can someone help or share with me how to fix this.