Is there a way to just disable cutscenes in a multiplayer match overall? I don’t just mean the introduction cutscenes that you can skip, I mean the ones following an objective as well. It feels like the gameplay should be more seamless, especially in a multiplayer match.
A way to disable cutscenes?
Beats starting at a progress bar. Although, I feel like loading in this game is very fast [probably 2-3x faster than BC2, for reference]. Usually so fast the cutscene is too long
I think there should be a way to disable cutscenes. If you’re playing competitively you don’t want to watch the cut scenes everytime something happens. I’m not talking about the cut scenes when you complete one part of the map and move to the second, I’m talking about the pre-post game cut scenes.
Yeah, I think you should at least be able to skip the cutscenes at the end of a match.
- another one.
The game seems to be done loading during the debriefing screen with me and I can always immediately skip the cutscene (which I have to do by mouse for some reason grrrr).
So I too would like an option to skip as much as possible. I’ve done the campaign already.
On the contrary,
is there a way of stopping servers from stopping me from enjoying the intro scenes?
I’d personally like to see a possibility to override server settings regarding this or making it a client-side var in general.
Disabling pre- and post cutscenes would be a good addition to the “Competition config”
I say leave those cutscenes but allow global chat meanwhile (the cutscene plays at the back, but the chat windows is in front and allows for GG’s and so on ?)
Also, the chat window could continue to exist in the recap screen.
I always thought once you had finished the story line the cut scenes would stop? (I still have not finished it).
Personally I’d like the option to just tap space bar to skip them… but disabling would be better as it makes the process of getting in to game more efficient.
Cut scene in the middle of map is not a good idea I think ! before and after why not
IIRC everytime there is a cutscene in the middle of a round the spawn points and accessible areas change… So why not establish a credible transition?
The cutscene at the end is awesome. It is a reward for victory, or a tongue-lashing for failure. Also, I get to look at my dude.
My dude ALWAYS looks exactly the same and ALWAYS does EXACTLY the same everytime I see a cutscene of a map I already played.
After a while I could go without it
Play Campaign if you want to see the pre-/post cut scenes, leave them out in other modes.
[QUOTE=Crytiqal;334832]My dude ALWAYS looks exactly the same and ALWAYS does EXACTLY the same everytime I see a cutscene of a map I already played.
After a while I could go without it
Play Campaign if you want to see the pre-/post cut scenes, leave them out in other modes.[/QUOTE]
That stinks. I have several characters and they always look as badass as I made them! Of course, they look slightly less badass when my team loses. shrug.
I second that. Got four characters, each of the eight outfits designed to represent one class in my eyes and I just love lookin’ at them.
What i’d really want to see now, sadly, is what i’ll never be seeing. Him replacing a character in an intro clip. It’s almost like unfair teasing, since every other player on the server might see him in his!