A Ranked Solution to Execution

(PeterComputer) #1

I don’t like Execution. I want to, but I just can’t bring myself to do so. I really enjoy playing on the Execution maps and I love the tense ambiance that it creates but I just don’t want to play Execution. Why is this?
Well, even though some people might get put away from it because of its slower pace, I’m actually fine with it. What I’m not ok with though, is the down time between rounds and the lack of communication.

The down time is something that is hard to change since it’s inheritant to this and other similar gamemodes. When I die, I usually just minimize the game while the round ends. I could be spectating but what’s the point? The stakes are low and I have no connection with the people I’m playing. When I’m playing with friends though, it’s different. I’m more invested in the game. Casual Matchmaking can help solving this, but I don’t think it can fix it completely.

The lack of communication also annoys me. For example, somebody will ask in chat where to go to before the round starts, nobody replies and then the team splits into two without a single word being spoken. The amount of losses I’ve had in Execution matches due to poor communication is incredible. But that’s fine since there was nothing at stake, right?

You know where I’m going with this.
Ranked Execution matches would fix most of my issues with Execution. With the introduction of Ranked into this gamemode, you’d actually be playing for something, not just credits. You would have a team that had to communicate properly and if you didn’t, you’d get punished by it. It would just… work.
Whether it should have friendly fire enabled or not, it’s doesn’t matter to me.

Anyways, I feel like I’m going to start rambling if i carry on, so I’m going to end this here.
Feel free to share your opinions below.

(Dr_Plantboss) #2

Hey, do you play Counter-Strike?

Because this is basically Counter-Strike…

Have you played competitive? If you aren’t playing in a party it’s still just barely less scattered than a pub match.

Generally I like the idea, but I think that there would have to be some kind of test to see if it would work and if anybody would actually play it.

(PeterComputer) #3

[quote=“Dr_Plantboss;c-225393”]Hey, do you play Counter-Strike?

Because this is basically Counter-Strike…

Have you played competitive? If you aren’t playing in a party it’s still just barely less scattered than a pub match.

Generally I like the idea, but I think that there would have to be some kind of test to see if it would work and if anybody would actually play it.[/quote]

Yep! I have played Counter-Strike before, though I find it way too slow-paced for my liking.

And I do agree, an idea like this should be tested beforehand. These sorts of things usually go through tests anyway, so I don’t see why this shouldn’t either.