A new way to fire sparks gun (QoL)

(pumpkinmeerkat) #21

Sparks is super strong.

Toggle charge option would be too clunky IMO. I don’t think it would ever be added to the game but since it’s already possible with config tweaks I don’t see any issue with it.

(l2c) #22

Yes. It’s not enough that it is a range-rezzer, that you can HEADSHOT KILL WHILE JUMPING!, no no, it defo needs to be easier.
Can we also do the same with Phantom and the heavy melee attack? I wanna run around with my sword permanently out like a LANCE and just gore everyone! GET ON MY SHAFT SWORD!

(NexDroid) #23

@Xenithos said:
Sparks is in a pretty good place right now. And though that QoL would be nice to see, it would probably allow easier more accurate corner sniping with her, and I’m not a fan of seeing more players use her revivr to damage foes effectively.

She is only medic without a primary weapon. Give her proper SMG or at least make her more usefull so Revivr won’t revive with decreased HP when revived from a far. Or make Revivr her primary weapon, but increase its damage but decrease a range. But IMHO she just needs Revivr to deal more close range DMG.

(Sleety) #24

@ThinkItsClose said:

@Sleety said:
There’s already a way to do this with keybinding via the console. Had the same issue/want for a while. Holding down lmb makes my hand feel like it locks up.

O to toggle the keybind. So far this is the best way to do it in game aside from using something like AutoHotKey to bind it. I stopped using it because it would disable reload canceling for me, otherwise I’d still use it right now.

Really helpful post, any ideas on how to reset this to normal? Can you just reverse the commands?

When I wanted to get rid of them I deleted the in file that has all the keybinds in it, can’t remember where it is. Yes they are permanent until either you or an update removes them.

(Sorotia) #25

@neverplayseriou said:

@Sorotia said:

@neverplayseriou said:
Rofl buffing Sparks, these forums…

Good thing you don’t run the game, the way you downvote everyone just because you refuse to adapt to a changing game and call everything OP that you’re afraid of.

The game would be so boring and would die.

Not my issue barely anyone on these forums wants an actual fps instead of a rock paper scissors moba.

Not to mention that none of the things the guy said even made sense:
" It just dosent happend in casual games and other medics are much more practical. Mp, tolen and empire are just crap airsoft guns with cool design. Medpacks run out fast and revir gun is nearly overheated forcing you just to escape in any situation and regroup. She needs a buff."

You shouldn’t balance a game around retards in casual.
The machine pistols are great secondaries, if you’re expecting to take on an m4 with a secondary that’s your issue, there’s nothing wrong with them.
Medpacks don’t run out fast unless you throw them at teammates which you shouldn’t be doing in the first place.
Revivr barely ever overheats unless you try to hold an angle for way to long.

You don’t know what a Moba is do you?

(Sorotia) #26

@scrub_lord said:

@neverplayseriou said:

@Sorotia said:

@neverplayseriou said:
Rofl buffing Sparks, these forums…

Good thing you don’t run the game, the way you downvote everyone just because you refuse to adapt to a changing game and call everything OP that you’re afraid of.

The game would be so boring and would die.

Not my issue barely anyone on these forums wants an actual fps instead of a rock paper scissors moba.

Like every forum poster is complete trash at the game. Every single one I’ve come across in-game had the awareness of a chimp and looked like they were trying to aim with a steering wheel, including Sorotia. It doesn’t surprise me that post after post is complete drivel when everyone playing the game is drooling on their keyboards.

Oh ouch…some nobody I’ve never heard of who probably plays under a different name in game criticized me…how ever am I to recover?

(OwynTyler) #27

for the love of gode do this for… secondary fire button of Rhino :s

(Sleety) #28

@OwynTyler said:
for the love of gode do this for… secondary fire button of Rhino :s

Just change the left click to a right click in the binds

(frostyvampire) #29

As much as I’d love that, I think it will make it too easy to play Sparks. And people will always have full charge because of it + I already got used to holding : 3

(CarrionTrade) #30

@NexDroid said:
She is only medic without a primary weapon. Give her proper SMG or at least make her more usefull so Revivr won’t revive with decreased HP when revived from a far.
The Revivr is her primary. She doesn’t need a proper SMG (Which the MP400 is by the way. I’ll take the MP400 over the SMG-9 any day.) she needs proper positioning far enough way from the enemy that they prioritize your allies over you but near enough that allies can help should you need it.

Or make Revivr her primary weapon, but increase its damage but decrease a range.
I’d rather it be the other way around decrease damage for more range, suits her play style much better.

But IMHO she just needs Revivr to deal more close range DMG.

Within 18 meters you can one shot Sparks, Aura, Proxy, Kira, Aimee, Phoenix, Guardian, Sawbonez, Bushwhacker, Fletcher, Phantom, Vassili, Turtle, Arty, Skyhammer, Stoker, Nader, Javelin, and Redeye. I’ll save you the math that’s 19 of 22 mercs. How much more damage do you need? (Although with the “Try Hard” augment I believe Bushwhacker, Skyhammer, and Redeye can potentially survive.)

Sparks is fine as she is.