First all I just want to say your game is awesome. It runs smooth, looks great, and is incredibly addicting. Plus it’s right up my alley in terms of game-type. However, there are a few things worth tweaking that I would like to open to discussion here:
Going first seems to be a huge advantage, especially on the smaller Rio maps. I also feel like players are given incentive to choose specific maps instead of a random one since the likelihood of of going first is greater. Maybe a first turn energy boost/damage reduction buff for the the player who plays second? And maybe bonus rewards for playing random maps?
I don’t mind having to wait for other players, sometimes for a day or two, but running so many games over so long I find myself forgetting crucial details (i.e. there’s a mine here, stealthy was around here). Maybe let players set notes for themselves on tiles/soldiers or allow players to watch the last turn both players took.
Lastly, the chat system is slightly cumbersome. I can’t message my friends outside of games and can’t see existing chats without going to the end of the turn. I would like to see more flexibility here.
All in all I highly enjoy your game and look forward to future development of it, thank you for making it!