Redeye is broken by design. Blocking the enemy’s vision, being able to see through the smoke AND having weapons that can @$!# you up at any range is just dumb. Especially the Grandeur, it’s the most OP weapon in the game along with bolt-action snipers and basically transforms people into spinbot turrets on wheels. It’s not even the same kind of OP as Thunder, as his is merely a case of excess; simply nerfing some of his stats would suffice.[/quote]
Just because it kills you doesn’t make it broken.
Red Eye is good, but his smoke does not block enemy fire, his goggles only spot while active and a direct line of sight of the enemy, and the smoke nade hinders his team as much as the enemy. The Grandeur can kill in 2 headshots to most mercs, 1 to Sparks and Aura, and 3 bodyshots to 120 hp mercs like Skyhammer. If your argument is maybe it could be toned down abit, sure, give it a sight and better accuracy buffs, and I’d happily take a hit to it’s headshot damage and give it some fall off. It’s really not a sniper rifle anyhow, it’s a battle rifle first and foremost.
That, and the fact you called Snipers op, is also pretty laughable. Again, just because it kills you it doesn’t make it op or broken, op is basically reserved for stuff that is better in every way than any of the options available, aka pre nerf Fragger, and broken is when it pretty much stops the game from progressing or is by design impossible to balance, nothing really comes to my mind in that regard.
Redeye and snipers have been consistently breaking the gameflow at high level play for a very long time now. Redeye is an instant ban at DBN if a team has any player that is semi-competent with him and has built strats around him, he’s second only to Thunder in that regard. Snipers in this game simply deny huge areas and are nigh uncounterable unless you have a counter-sniper (or in the case of Redeye only a counter Redeye ever works). The last DBN cup was a snipefest and the finals were basically Ozzie and Salezki duking it out as snipers for several matches straight. Redeye is very very broken and only someone who hasn’t touched PUGs, cups or scrims and seen the kind of bullcrap he can pull off would ever disagree.