A minor critique of the new weapon system

(watsyurdeal) #1

So in this video we see that you have cards that dictate augments, primary, secondary, and melee

My question is, for the next time you update things, why not have Augment Cards be seperate from the weapons?

So for example, you get a B53 for Skyhammer, it only dictates what Augments you have, so you get Drilled, Quick Eye, and Bomb Squad, but, you can choose whatever primary, secondary, and melee you want.

So in other words, you could have Drilled, Quick Eye, and Bomb Squad, with the Timik, Smjüth & Whetsman .40, and Stilnotto Stiletto

(ThunderZsolt) #2

Yeah, the new system doesn’t effect gameplay the slightest, i was hoping a loadout system rework as promised.

On the bright side nothing got worse either :wink:

(pumpkinmeerkat) #3

No, weapons are part of loadout balance.

I would like an option to separate character cosmetics from loadout though.

(Ptiloui) #4

@pumpkinmeerkat said:
No, weapons are part of loadout balance.

I would like an option to separate character cosmetics from loadout though.

Especially that lead and iron will be gone, it could be a great way to use those skins (default skins are really nice !) with augmented loadout.

(ThunderZsolt) #5

@pumpkinmeerkat said:
No, weapons are part of loadout balance.

I agree with this, but before the latest balance patch SD claimed that they want all weapons to be “equally useful and competitive” so it looks more like a lucky coincidence than intentional feature.