A Few Words On Casual Matchmaking

(Exedore) #41

Issues were found, thanks for participating! It’s worth noting that the skill criteria is very generous for these tests at the moment, as we need to work out the technical kinks before we really start tuning that.

(iFrag) #42

To be honest,… I liked normal matchmaking aka quick join more. Cause all matches I had time to play within test even #3, were very unbalanced. Also, didn’t manage to win any of them :neutral:

(JLennon) #43

I cant connect to any server. After 7 mins trying it (Accepting the match found again and again), i clicked Exit. How long will this event? The game really like and want to continue having a good time playing.


(renownedAim) #44

Guys, this update isnt working. Roll back to last version

(yesser) #45

@renownedAim its just test bro they will ruturn it tomorrow http://dirtybomb.nexon.net/news/14460/casual-matchmaking-test-event-3

(Steve Martin) #46

You asked for feedback:

Everything you described in your post about how to solve all these problems are easily rectified with dedicated servers… and your investors/board/whatever will make more money.

Sign some kind of deal with a company for exclusive server renting rights and you don’t have to release anything to the general public. (devs using hacking as an excuse to not release server files is, as always, a load of crap.)


PC Gamers aren’t console gamers. We require a different kind of environment. Creating Queues, match-making, Ranked vs. Casual, etc is all serving Cheeseburgers to people and trying to tell us it’s the future. It’s the next big thing… it’s really not.

PC Gaming got MP correct back WHEN YOU GUYS WERE CREATING ET. You were even a part of this greatness with Enemy Territory. How in the world do you walk backwards from that?

We don’t want match making. We don’t want casual play-now buttons, and we don’t want you grouping us with different people every day each time we choose to play this game.

Think of it like going to your favorite bar.

You don’t say “Hey I want a drink” and then hit a button and get deposited into a random bar to quench your thirst. You want to go to your local haunt that you’ve been going to for years with the same people, the same atmosphere, and the same rules that you are comfortable with. Everyone knows each other, their habits, etc… it IS a community. Quite literally.

Match-making is for consoles. It’s the worst thing devs have created for Multiplayer PC gaming since client-side hit detection… which we will leave alone for now.

Why the need to control every aspect of every server?

With dedicated servers comes lots of advantages.

  • replayability for your game skyrockets
  • competition is actually fun and not centered around one monopolistic community
  • players who have administrative rights can remove players at will or move people at will for balance.
  • You get more money. We will pay you for these servers. You already have the code… give us some options, sign a deal with gameservers.com, or whoever, and let us create our own experience with your game.
  • about 500 other things…

I don’t get why you’re trying to solve console problems with a PC game when the answer is right there in your face.

Stop trying to serve us gourmet cheeseburgers. We are PC. We know the difference between a Filet Mignon and a cheeseburger.

:slight_smile: - /rant

(blonk) #47

I only got a couple of games in before things starting getting weird. Our lobby ended up running past the end of the event, and while we managed to get another few games they were either completely unbalanced or just had people leaving, then got very long queue times which gave my late joining mates a bad impression of casual MM I think.

But those 2-3 games at the start were awesome! Thoroughly enjoyed them! If every game of DB could be like that I’d struggle to pull myself away from this game to sleep, eat or drink, they were that good. If they represent what we can expect out of this system when it goes live then I’m feeling really confident this is something I’ll use a lot. (coming from one of the community servers or die crowd)


Don’t get to beat 20k on Objective very often 'cus I’m srub. While it may also look like a stomp the other team were mere inches away from putting the EV in, we had to work hard to keep it locked down.

(SnakekillerX) #48

Only managed to play one game while the event lasted. (too bad :disappointed:)
The game found me a match within 45~50 seconds which was pretty decent given that the match did seem balanced… up until someone left the game on the other team.

Since the game does not find someone else to fill that spot it was skewed in our favor for the rest of the match.

Would be nice if the game tried to fill that spot with someone else of similar skill to the person who left to keep things balanced for the entire game.

Other than that, its looking good. Hope to see this evolve. :smile:

(Borganism) #49

On the flip side though I played about 12 matches last night before the test was run (australia doesnt get to see if because its 3am) and I won 1 match. The current system kept putting me on teams with all scrubs (below level 8) against a team full of level 20+. I tried to carry being a level 41 but couldnt. I tried tanking so that my rating went down but it didnt matter.

I am really looking forward to this new system comnig in because I love the game but I hate the uneven games you have to plaw through to get one or two close exciting matches. Of the 11 losses last night maybe 2 of them were kinda close, but it was still an inevitable loss.

(kopyright) #50

I strongly suggest their matchmaking algorithm to git gud before going live.

(BananaSlug) #51

@blonk haha i lost only one game yesterday and it was when you were on enemy team, but without that game we were stomping, people were calling us hackers and shit like that

but like exedore said they arent testing balance

(FireWorks) #52


(kittz0r) #53

and again… how can they find “all issues” in 60 Minutes and cancell MM again? they just lie and tell us the found all the stuff they need just because i won’t tell us they fucked up for the 3rd time.

so if they know which issues they wanted to look for, why they didn’t fix them after the previous MM “tests”?

its just all about bad excuses and their incompetence for Coding and Developing

(Szakalot) #54




and again… how can they find “all issues” in 60 Minutes and cancell MM again? they just lie and tell us the found all the stuff they need just because i won’t tell us they @$!# up for the 3rd time.

so if they know which issues they wanted to look for, why they didn’t fix them after the previous MM “tests”?

its just all about bad excuses and their incompetence for Coding and Developing[/quote]

if you are trying to invent flight, you build ‘the next thing’ that goes up in the air and falls a bit slower than the previous thing.

they found all the issues that need to be addressed before they can move on, clearly.

(JLennon) #55

We just wanna choose the server to join. We don’t want anyone to tell us who want to play against.

(favoxhille) #56

The most important thing is to make this match making 5v5 because 6v6 it’s just a mess expecially on a game like db, where you can abuse your abilities and make the game a shit fest of random things.

Also is the ranked mode coming back? more than a super uber system that calculate your skill through xp/level ,which still are random components, we need the good and simple rank system like before to have fair games and yeah naturally adding an extra layer of criteria(expecially in the first matches/low rank you get) would help but you don’t need to work too much on that…

(Szakalot) #57

imo 6v6 feels a lot like 5v5, definitely a different feeling than 7v7 that starts to feel spammy. however, it might be a good idea to match people 5v5, for those who want it - especialy if there is exactly 10 and not 12 players of a certain skill level for a specific amount of time.

i would rather get a balanced 5v5 than a forced 6v6 that dragged someone up/down the skill ladder.

(DMaster2) #58

Well i hope there will be enough “free” servers, because i’ll play in those. Can’t be bothered with matchmaking and have no interest in facing group of people (especially high skill one) which i predict will turn many games into a spawntrapping party.

(Steve Martin) #59

This is like preparing for a cross-country trip and everyone is arguing & discussing fine-tuning a pair of rollerskates.

You don’t develop a crappier way to play a multiplayer game when the better way has already been invented. Dedicated servers. You make money. MONEY. That’s what you guys are in this for. WE WILL RENT THEM FROM YOU. $$$$$ Capiche?

[quote=“Szakalot;192738”]if you are trying to invent flight, you build ‘the next thing’ that goes up in the air and falls a bit slower than the previous thing.

they found all the issues that need to be addressed before they can move on, clearly.[/quote]

This is the worst analogy ever. They aren’t inventing anything. They are trying to copy consoles. Which is a business decision based on bringing in money and not for making the best game possible for actual true FPS-fans. Shame really.

They aren’t interested in making a good game for us. They are interested in attracting the most people possible with shiny clothing and TF2/CS:GO crates.

Gotta get that mom and dad Credit Card money from the horrible shitty teenagers because they outnumber us players who would actually be fans of their game.

This game is all about quantity over quality. Every decision they’ve made since opening the beta has made that perfectly clear.

Too bad… such a waste of potential.

(Szakalot) #60

im all for dedicated servers, that would definitely be the best thing that could happen to DB

in the meantime, with none on the horizon i am all for casual MM.

dont think anyone did casual mm for a teamFPS on unreal engine before. copying design choices is not the same as implementing the design, idea itself is cheap, even worthless

dirty bomb definitely has one of the higher requirements for good balance, with such an absolutely wide range of skill levels (basically people from Quake, RTCW and ET, people from other teamshooters, everyone else), and multilayered skill requirements.

most of the players, even on minlvl10-20 servers still dont know what SD game veterans would consider basic, especially in SW

add to that necessity for multiple roles in the team, and those roles being played well, and you are looking at dota or lol learning curve; never played those myself : P