More StopWatch servers incoming! We’ve added 2 6v6 StopWatch servers in EU, and 1 new 7v7 SW server in US East based on your feedback. Need more? Let us know!
A Few More StopWatch Servers
What happened to the passworded servers that were supposed to be available for the upcoming cup on Sunday? Might want to make sure you fixed your little “ui bug” before disappointing the few remaining people willing to play.
@fubar the issue has been fixed and @prophetNP expressed interest in carrying it on.
@fubar the issue has been fixed and @prophetNP expressed interest in carrying it on.
FYI @gst800 is already running one this weekend and has announced it on this very forum few days past.
@fubar the issue has been fixed and @prophetNP expressed interest in carrying it on.
I no longer plan on putting something together )that was only if no one else was going to step up and do something in Potty’s absence. Both @gst800 and @Warmonic have expressed interest. Looking forward to it.
good luck with making the tourney work; DB desperately needs it. Still hope people will stream & shoutcast some games!
How about a couple of 5v5 SW servers for each region. FF on if possible, if not we could still use the servers!