5 Simple Dirty Bomb Tips And Tricks

(APRenpsy) #1

Enjoy! Simple basic and easy to understand. Nothing stuck in the fans this time :slight_smile:

Tips And Tricks

2nd Edition is out, I hope you enjoy :slight_smile:

Tips And Tricks 2nd Edition

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Tips and Tricks 3rd Edition

(cosmopolitanSponge) #2

@APRenpsy a good way to use proxy vs aura is using proxy’s proximity mine right beside the aura station, forcing anyone to move out or die hard in the area of that healing station :tongue:

(APRenpsy) #3

@cosmopolitanSponge I like that one I may use it if I make another dirty bomb tip video :slight_smile:

(cosmopolitanSponge) #4

@APRenpsy That tip I recommend for moderate players since it’s pretty suicidal and all… but yea you can also use the proximities to your advantage as well, but the same goes to the enemy, buuut unless you have a team or something working with ya (a proxy with you or something) they may think it’s yours and then they shoot the proximity mine instead of your mate (since it does a lot of damage) but this is just a theory, ‘A Game Theory!’ hopefully I explained it right

(APRenpsy) #5

2nd Edition is out, I hope you enjoy :slight_smile:

Tips And Tricks 2nd Edition

(APRenpsy) #6

3rd and last edition is out!