3 shot to kill proxy mine

(Artyrim) #21

@Wintergreen said:

@GatoCommodore said:
but she will need to be accurate.

An accurate Proxy doesn’t exist. It’s hard to aim while jumping around on a pogo stick.

Yes we Proxies don’t care about accurate because our mines THAT CAN BE HEARD/SEEN/DESTROYED do all the job for us. And btw my accurate sucks so hard that I can own normal people(not noobs or godlike ones) just with my secondary weapon Tolen MP.
P.S. I start jumping only when there are 2-3 enemies vs me alone.

(Chilled Sanity) #22

@Artyrim said:

And btw my accurate sucks so hard that I can own normal people(not noobs or godlike ones) just with my secondary weapon Tolen MP.

Implying using a smg is hard and requires aim

Note: Let us use meme arrows. Flipflop. pls fix