2 Possible Execution missions + 2 other missions = Execution 90% of the time

(Matuno) #1

Either I am just REALLY unlucky (not very probable), or Execution missions already have a higher chance of occuring, and there’s two of them.

I’m not a big fan of Execution. At all. I’m also not a big fan of losing out on credits every three hours as they are hard enough to come by as it is. I’m not overreacting when I say I’m getting Execution missions nearly EVERY time.

Please, for the love of god, nerf the amount of rounds needed, change it to XP, and normalize it so the chances of getting Execution are equal to Objective or Stopwatch. I’m losing my patience with Dirty Bomb pretty fast when it sort of forces me to play it (again, creds are hard enough to get, so despite being able to cancel it, it still means losing out).

(Matuno) #2

And while I’m on the subject, it’s not very buddy-friendly to not be able to join because your mission is a different game mode.

(Dawnlazy) #3

The “Win X Rounds” missions has to go, they got rid of “Win X Objective/Stopwatch Games” missions because they stimulated stacked teams (and I’ve been stacking teams in Execution too I hate Execution and just want to get these annoying missions done ASAP). Play X rounds can stay, but needs to be less rounds, 20-30 is too much. Changing it to getting a certain amount of XP would be fine too.

(signofzeta) #4

Both the play X execution missions and win X execution missions would be easier to do if the attacking and defending alternated per round or per 3 rounds. That way, it would more likely be that you would win if your team is only good at either attacking or defending. The way the rounds are set up, if they alternate attacking and defending, would mean that there would be more rounds in total.