10 year award.

(amazinglarry) #1

Where is it? Yes, I know I’m a grown adult but since this is the longest relationship I’ve ever had, I want my anniversary in June to be a special one.

(Already scouted awards for people past 10 years, and its absence was horrifying).

(badman) #2

Hahah. Not to worry, it’ll magically show up before long.

(kamikazee) #3

Com’on, you already got the sea mine award. Stop hogging them! :rolleyes:

(amazinglarry) #4

I don’t have the sea-mine award and I’m very bitter about it :stuck_out_tongue:

(kamikazee) #5

Oh snap, wrong veteran. My apologies sir!

(amazinglarry) #6

It’s okay… sniff.

(Virus047) #7

LOL! I can’t wait to get to 8 years much less 10! Small baby steps here!