Balance patch note is here !

(Eox) #1

Enjoy !

(watsyurdeal) #2

Very, VERY happy with the Grandeur changes, I’ll need to find some time to test them but just by this alone I am really excited to hop in and play with it. Only problem is, it’s still a tad weak in the body department. It’s ttk for 110 hp and up is 0.999, almost a whole second, so nailing those headshots is going to be even more important.

Hopefully the consistency is so much better though that I don’t notice that impacting my play with it.

(NexDroid) #3

@watsyurdeal said:
Very, VERY happy with the Grandeur changes, I’ll need to find some time to test them but just by this alone I am really excited to hop in and play with it. Only problem is, it’s still a tad weak in the body department. It’s ttk for 110 hp and up is 0.999, almost a whole second, so nailing those headshots is going to be even more important.

Hopefully the consistency is so much better though that I don’t notice that impacting my play with it.

I hope grandeur will get it’s holographic sights (same as blishcock) one day.

(neverplayseriou) #4

Random Fragger nerf…
Rather than implementing merc limits and putting the health station on cd once its destroyed they also implement a random nerf…
Felix being able to instagib…

Fairly dissapointing merc adjustments, hoping the burst rifle, shotgun, sniper and dreiss changes will make an impact.
And where’s the hochfir, sparks and turtle nerf…

(NexDroid) #5

@neverplayseriou said:
Random Fragger nerf…
Rather than implementing merc limits and putting the health station on cd once its destroyed they also implement a random nerf…
Felix being able to instagib…

Fairly dissapointing merc adjustments, hoping the burst rifle, shotgun, sniper and dreiss changes will make an impact.
And where’s the hochfir, sparks and turtle nerf…

Sparks nerf? Are you kidding me? She is the weakest medic and you want her nerf? What the hell is wrong with people these days… Maybe reduce revived HP but on the other hand give her a proper weapon.

(neverplayseriou) #6

@NexDroid said:

@neverplayseriou said:
Random Fragger nerf…
Rather than implementing merc limits and putting the health station on cd once its destroyed they also implement a random nerf…
Felix being able to instagib…

Fairly dissapointing merc adjustments, hoping the burst rifle, shotgun, sniper and dreiss changes will make an impact.
And where’s the hochfir, sparks and turtle nerf…

Sparks nerf? Are you kidding me? She is the weakest medic and you want her nerf? What the hell is wrong with people these days… Maybe reduce revived HP but on the other hand give her a proper weapon.

Lets hope sd doesn’t pay attention to retarded pub players like you.

(Guziol) #7

Looks great. I expected dreiss nerf but the numbers seem high on those changes. I wonder how it will play out.

(TitaniumRapture) #8


Yes but they should pay attention to all these elitist tryhards like you because they matter right?

(neverplayseriou) #9

@TitaniumRapture said:

Yes but they should pay attention to all these elitist tryhards like you because they matter right?

I would rather have sd listen to actual experienced players rather than reddit and these forums, and how am I an elitist tryhard when I don’t even have this crap game installed…

(Cletus_VanDamme) #10

I don’t really know what to think.

You released a video 3 weeks ago on youtube that has a lot of contradicting information.

First you say that you’re almost finished implementing the telemetry system.

Then you say that you need that information from the telemetry system to make balance adustments.

Finally you say that you’re already working on the balance update.

So which is it? Have you applied this update without using any statistics, or have you taken stats from the last couple of weeks as your base for the changes?

(Melinder) #11

Well, game feels clunky as shit now.

(Dawnmachine) #12

This update is a joke. It seems like all the nerfs (except shotgun changes and some merc changes) are just there to punish people for playing weapons that require higher skill. Nerfing the burst rifles and the dreiss are prime examples of this. A weapon such as the dreiss should have a higher payout than other ARs because there is more risk involved. But now it’s barely tied with the other weapons dps-wise. Aura nerf is unnecessary, she is still to easily counterable. Fragger nerf and no Javelin nerf has meme potential.
Bad update, I’m sorry.

(pumpkinmeerkat) #13

@Dawnmachine said:
It seems like all the nerfs (except shotgun changes and some merc changes) are just there to punish people for playing weapons that require higher skill. Nerfing the burst rifles and the dreiss are prime examples of this.

Burst rifles have been the easiest to use and overall most effective weapons in the game for a long time now. Dreiss spread had also been reduced to a point where it could be spammed without much penalty to accuracy.


(Eox) #14

@NexDroid said:

@neverplayseriou said:
Random Fragger nerf…
Rather than implementing merc limits and putting the health station on cd once its destroyed they also implement a random nerf…
Felix being able to instagib…

Fairly dissapointing merc adjustments, hoping the burst rifle, shotgun, sniper and dreiss changes will make an impact.
And where’s the hochfir, sparks and turtle nerf…

Sparks nerf? Are you kidding me? She is the weakest medic and you want her nerf? What the hell is wrong with people these days… Maybe reduce revived HP but on the other hand give her a proper weapon.

Can’t share your opinion about Sparks : she’s actually pretty damn insane at high level of play. She stacks an insane amount of perks.

  • Can one hit kill any mercs at 120 hp and below (full charge REVIVR shot deals 130 damage).
  • Safest revives in the game that can be pulled out at any range, allowing her to apply a lot of pressure on the enemy team with constant, safe revives.
  • Best self sustain among all medics thanks to numerous, instant heal small medpacks. Making her much more resistant to weapons relying on sustained fire. You pretty much have to one hit kill her most of the time, or at the very least surprise her. A good Sparks will most of the time flee as soon as she gets hit, making her very hard to get rid of.

She’s one of those mercs that become exponentially good the better the user is. She won’t be too much trouble if the Sparks player is a newbie, but if it’s a level 150 veteran Sparks main, you might end up having a very bad time.

(Szakalot) #15

random rhino nerf, other stuff looks okay

(Your worst knifemare.) #16

@Eox said:

She’s one of those mercs that become exponentially good the better the user is. She won’t be too much trouble if the Sparks player is a newbie, but if it’s a level 150 veteran Sparks main, you might end up having a very bad time.

I see that being a fair spot considering how she’s meant to be a harder merc to pick up compared to others.


Sweet, gonna check it out on the weekend.

(NexDroid) #18

Ok so… Dreiss AR is a trash gun now. Can’t kill more than one player at mid range because of this stupid recoil. SMG 9 on the other hand is amazing now, I really love it. Javelin’s rocket change is needed yet I need to get used to it in guided mode. Grandeur is amazing now, doesn’t really need any more tweaks. Stark is way worse, yet still usefull. Shotguns are even more broken than ever, spread is too tight, so you can nearly snipe people and because of tight spread all your pellets land a hit so dps is even higher. FELIX’s reload speed is a joke right? It feels like vaseline got sticky fingers. Maybe make it one bullet only magazine with faster reload? That animation is a pure cancer. Moa is weird now, I don’t think that RPM was needed to be changed.

SMG 9 good
rest worse

(Press E) #19

Some of it was alright, but I have to say I wasn’t happy reading through a lot of it.
A random major rhino nerf that encourages even less skill (I get headshots were random at range, but why not just reduce the multiplier at range, rather than close up?)
A major aura nerf when she’s already easy as shit to counter
Indirect sparks and aura nerf with the felix (instagib should never be part pd DB, I don’t care how slow your RPM is. It just means even less of and chance to counter, especially against a lucky headshot)

I feel like they really went overboard on a lot of these. Yes. The dreiss was a bit OP, but it didn’t need so much of a nerf that no one will touch it in public anymore. Stats are great and all, but I wish they went off community input and that dev intuition they keep talking about a bit more. There was a reason for a lot of these changes, but there were far better ways to address them. Not every gun has to be identical.
On the plus side, I’m glad we got a fragger nerf. Im probably going to get a lot of disagrees for saying this, but he’s been spammy for a long time, but for whatever reason too many people call it “skill”. Maybe now people will actually play some other assaults instead of holding down a button, walking around a corner and throwing a grenade into a spawn to pretend that they’re skillful.

(Ptiloui) #20

All these seem interesting, especially the shotgun changes of course and the Grandeur SR ones. Not surprised for the Dreiss changes, considering how powerful it is with Arty, which is already a strong merc.

However im a little scared about the FEL-IX instagib ability. Hope the drawback will be huge enough to not make it OP as f***.

The reduced CD for Skybro is welcomed, now there’s Guardian.

And this :

Mercs suicide using an explosive weapons will always be gibbed

No more nade rush / revive. Failsafe will be more useful. Still wonder if Proxy’s mine count as an explosive ?