What is your funniest kill(s)?

(DankBeretField) #21

Killing a full health Rhino…
With a Blishlok…
At close quarters point-blank range…
As Aura…
With my worse-than-terrible aim.

That’s not just funny. That’s CRAZY AS F*CK.

(Chilled Sanity) #22

Wait people dont do that normally?

(Wolf_Darkrose) #23

had to of been as phantom. 3 newbies where repairing the ev one sees me they all turn i run in the build hop over and heavy blade straight though all three at once and all them die.

(K1X455) #24

On the map Bridge, there was a group of 3 (Skyhammer, Arty, Vassili) who were partially wounded from a firefight overlooking the EV. A player by the merc of Aura dropped her health station among them and I rushed them as Proxy dropping a mine just a little off the reach of the health station. They somehow didn’t notice me drop the mine even as Proxy said, “Mine deployed…”; so I get to drop another mine a little closer to the centre of the group. Along came a Sawbonez who instantly recognised me as I started shooting the furthest mine, killing Sawbonez, and setting off the other mine and taking out 4 of them in one blast.

I got away to clean up the incapacitated quads, and left me scratching my head as to why I didn’t get an Explodydendron badge; I did get an easy ACE badge for it though :smiley:

(HammerOfDawn21) #25

I threw a frag grenade at a approx 70 degree angle through the square space in the underground ceiling. I didn’t know where the players were or where the grenade landed. Two seconds later I got a kill. I tried it again in a different direction and got another kill.

Now for those self kills
I was running over pylon b in execution, somebody planted at A. pylon B closed and crushed me to death.

I once died by setting off a enemy proxy mine by throwing ammo pack on it.

(inscrutableShow) #26

I was playing Fletcher, threw a sticky at somebody, and then this Proxy long jumps across my view and hits the sticky. It looked like something out of a cartoon, literally flew across the screen. I was stunned for a second and then thought “ok then kek” and detonated. Probably wouldn’t have hit the original target anyway.

(Your worst knifemare.) #27

Nice bump.

I killed a friendly bushwhacker twice because he walked in between me and a phantom fighting both times.

A Fletcher tried to blow me up while i was using Phantoms emp so i chased him up a ramp and shot him to death.

A proxy killed everyone that was alive with a single mine.

(henki000) #28

When played nader in underground. I got shot by shotgun in roof while tried to rush objective. Unfortunately I bugged levitating up and down and fletcher wasn’t fast enough to gib me. Some other squad tried to cover roof, but they didn’t notice my double kill martyr coming up to roof.

(K1X455) #29

(Pyjama_Slam) #30

I once got a triple kill with 1 Moa shot, They where sure I was hacking. My team kicked me… I lack words for this xD

(OwynTyler) #31

teammate steps on my proxy mine, shoots it, dies, punishes me :confused:

(Eox) #32

That will teach you to play Proxy ! :<

(Verticules) #33

Got a Triple Kill with one BR burst this week. I laughed so hard, I lost the game.

(Your worst knifemare.) #34

I was watching a friend while i was dead.

He burned himself, a Proxy and a Vasilli who wanted to stop his planting.

(Dawnlazy) #35

It’s still a legit triple kill even if a team mate is caught in the middle right?

(CyberVonCyberus) #36

so i was playing thunder on chapel (my team was defending the road with the 2 mounted MG) and there was that 1 vasili who kept on bodyshoting me
so i rushed him and he ran all the way to his spawn in which i finnally killed him only to realize that the entire enemy team spawned infront of me
they all chased me and i ran back to my team while threw a flashbang to slow them down, and somehow i got away with it

(OwynTyler) #37

Teammate was running right into the proxy mine… so I shoot it (but he was already too close), it kills him and… It writes this as my kill and not as the one of enemy Proxy lol :stuck_out_tongue:

(Your worst knifemare.) #38

Killed my entire team with a laser because our arty walked right in front of me at the last second before it spawned.